Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Weekend weather

Saturday morning I awoke to a beautiful snowfall coming down. If this had been November instead of April, I would have been out rejoicing like a child.

Hey, even I can get tired of winter eventually!

By one in the afternoon the snow had disappeared and left behind a soggy mess of muck. I skipped my daily walk and went around the yard picking up sticks. 

The daffodils and tulips I'd planted 20 some years ago were poking their tips out of the grass where my large flower garden once stood. They needed to be dug up and separated for them to flower decently. 

I grabbed a shovel and stuck it into the grass around one clump. The frost was out of the ground and I could dig them up.

I knelt in the wet grass and carefully pulled daffy bulbs apart. I filled an old kettle with them and then wondered where in the heck I was going to put all of them.

Some bulbs were of good size and some were tiny. I walked to the east fence line. They might grow well there and be a cheery sight to anyone coming down our driveway. They'd die back by the time I needed to mow or let Sven the goat graze in the area.

Hubby and I always disagree on flower beds. He believes they are a waste of time and a pain to mow around. I think most of the yard should be full of flowers. I remember the first spring I lived here and was so surprised to see peonies coming up.

Hubby said he just mowed them down. I moved them to safe places where the mower can't go.

Yesterday I took a kettle full of daffodils and planted them in the 'Forest Garden'. It starts out sunny but as the leaves fill in, the place becomes a shaded garden. Last year I found that Hostas do well there [if the deer don't eat them] along with Ajuga and Vinca. I planted tiny transplants in the crevices of the rocks last year to see if they'd survive the winter.

They did! Under all the leaves and sticks they are still thriving!

I will litter the shaded garden with begonias this year for color and some violets. Time will tell and after some more research I may find other plants to add.

I am waiting to see if the ferns made it through the winter. If they did, I'll add some more from the surrounding forest. If not, well it is obvious that the area isn't good for them.

I did get in an early morning walk on Sunday and we found a huge area of Skunk Cabbage appearing near the creek.

See who I found in a Skunk Cabbage?

At the Big Spring I found one Marsh Marigold that looked like it had been bitten by frost.
The other plants were up and had buds on them.

So it seems spring is headed our way.


  1. Lovely picture of the snow. I love frosted trees! Just not at this time of year. ( can't believe you guys got snow in April!) I really should move our daffodils as well. While we were in Arkansas, we stumbled upon a small opening in the forest that was FILLED with daffodils growing wildly. IT was very cool seeing a blanket of yellow in the middle of a forest. And So Many! Forest gardens are magical.

  2. We have about 8 inches of snow today:( You have buds...and almost a flower I am jealous!

    1. Yes! I think the whole spring will be full of Marsh Marigolds by the weekend. I think we are supposed to get snow again!
      8"! Wow!

  3. What a lovely snow photo! Grateful we did not have that here! My husband and I have a different relationship with flowers, too. I have ditch lilies planted everywhere. He calls them my weeds, but luckily lets them be.

    1. I have some of those too. I need to move them to a spot to keep the deer out of a few areas. They do have cheery orange blossoms!

  4. Looks like you got more snow then we did. Our trees did not look as pretty. I am ready for Spring to show it's full colors! Although I've already found three ticks on the dogs :( so there is that to (not) look forward to.

    I rewatched your awesome Forest Garden video. Looks like enough light for daffodils or hardier plants that bloom before the canopy fills in. It's great, all things Val!

    You find the cutest places for little Squatch.

    I tried growing Marsh Marigold around my pond edges, it didn't take. I am a firm believer of grow what grows for you. For water loving plants, it was water lilies.

    I am anxiously waiting to see how my naturalized plants and bulbs are/are not doing in the various locations. I have not seen much coming up so far. Everything grows so slow in sandy loam. Hopefully soon!


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