Do you ever look at a photo and wonder...geeze how did they do that?
This link to a Photo called LIFE'S FIRES on Flickr happens to be the photo that turned me into an experimentation frenzy regarding CS, Photoshop, and Elements Filters experimentation mode.
[Thank you Liz for allowing me to link to your photo!]
Well I have. And then curiosity got the better of me and I began to experiment in Photoshop 7.0 and Adobe Elements, in ways I'd never thought to before.
The original photo was edited in Topaz Adjust to bring out the color and add depth to the clouds.

I went to the filters drop down menu and picked Radial Blur at 100, and dragged the cross hairs down towards where the sun was setting.
I waited for the first blur to come through and then used the short cut 'Ctrl F' twice more.
I got this:

Well now change this layer to 'Screen' and see what you get.
Still not the BIG 'wow' is it?
Experiment with the layer's levels and saturation...and interesting things begin to occur.

This effect doesn't work in all photos.
I tried it with this:

I'll be working more with the Filters menu in Photoshop and Elements to see what more fun creations I can come up with.
Don't get me wrong, I love unedited photos very much, but my computer is like a great big box of crayola crayons and artist brushes without the mess and clean up.
So when the Creative Bug Bites, go for it and explore your inner child and artist.
Have fun!