As always the folks at Topaz are always trying to improve their products. When I got an email alerting me to the fact that ReMask 3 was now out, I decided to download the trial and play with it.
My first task was to grab ANY old photo and ReMask it quickly and create something fast. I wanted to compare it to Elements Magic Extractor.
[this original has been horizontally flipped so it doesn't match some of the other photo presentations]

[simple fast about 5 seconds]

[not perfect, I could have edited more but I was going to put the 'cut out' on a black and white back-round]

[Not quite so easy, a bit harder to work with]

[Areas are missed and I had to spend quite a bit more time editing the mane area and other areas that the Magic Extractor missed. Well, actually parts that I missed. This experiment was done rather quickly also. This was a result of 3 minutes work.]

Hands down, I saved time with ReMask 3.
Next I'll try ReMask 3 with a more difficult subject and see how well it does for the average user like me.