Woke up with a nagging pain in the sternum area.I did chores and hubby started getting after me for his coffee, for this, for that. Nag, Nag, Nag...when I didn't feel like getting nagged.
I didn't really feel that great and knew something was off.
So I grabbed the BP cuff and did some measuring. Wowzah! Off the charts!
After an hour or so of trying to 'calm' down and using all the tools in my basket [breathing, quiet, meditation, and so forth] nothing changed and I still felt quite off.
I grabbed my keys and shot off a text to Olive to ask her if she could drop in on Rich if I get held up going to Urgent care.
She zoomed down and picked me up and took me to the ER. The triage nurse asked what the issue was and I replied that my BP was very high and wouldn't come down. My sternum was painful as was my upper back.
She said, "You said the magic words and suddenly I was whisked into a room and hooked up with a dozen leads with so they could look at my heart." I glanced over and it looked quite normal. Next came the vampire to draw blood...she was excellent and cheerful.
The nurse started and IV on the other arm. A job nicely done.
The doctor came in with a dozen questions and said my heart looked normal and proceeded with the 100 questions he had to ask. When he gave me a chance to speak I told him I 'think' this is really just an out of control anxiety attack. My worry was my BP which is normally 102/77 raging at 167/88. With all the poking it went higher.
X rays, and more tests and then he came back and said it all looked good. I pointed to the BP and the fact that I was trembling and asked what that was all about. He shrugged and talked about the labs and I had to repeat in an hour.
He did ask what I normally took when I was 'anxious'. I wanted to be a smart ass and say Jack Daniels [I don't], but was honest. "I go for a hike. I go for a walk, nice long walk in the woods, or go work out at the gym."
He asked 'what can I do for you?' I said "Give me something that makes me feel like I'm not going to blow a head gasket?"
His answer, "I can give you Nitro and that should bring it down and will probably cause you a headache." --- It gave me a headache and the pressure went up.
Then the nurse brought me baby aspirin. Then they all left. I chatted with Olive and told her I was going to go into my Head Zone and practice my relaxation breathing along with some mental calming.
My BP dropped, still a bit high, but it dropped.
Then another person came in for more blood. It SHOT up. Go figure!
Next the Doctor glanced at the unimproved high pressure and told me I was good to go. No immediate life threatening issues were found. Go home and see your PCP.
Seriously. He was doing his job and all the protocol was perfect. He explained that he was looking to make sure I did not have a LIFE Threatening Condition.
[Maybe not to him!]
One of my gym pals is a NP, she saw me and walked in to chat. She listened to me, offered comfort [as Olive did], she actually gave me some hope that I was NOT crazy. She and I did discuss the fact that the Prolia med has caused me to be ultra tired and unmotivated to be able do what I normally do. Was the high BP part of it?
Was it a wake up call to something else? Would it hurt to no longer take the med and do what I've done before? More confusion that answeres.
All heavy questions, but questions I needed to talk to a health professional about.
I walked out of there exhausted with a last BP reading of 171/90.
I ate when I got home, and took a long nap.
After a simple supper, I sat down with hubby and took my BP. 119/82.
When I woke up? 102/77. After chores? 106/76.
I will be the very last to admit it. But let's just call a spade a spade.
Anxiety Attack.
You know there is little out there that is helpful for a person in a full anxiety crisis.
See a mental health professional. Breathing exercises. Do a group therapy thing.
Seriously. It does not stop those things in the moment. What is there to stop that crippling moments that lead to more crippling moments?
This is my first time with this serious of an issue. Being me, I will investigate and get myself some answers.
And that is that.The discharge paper included 'stress' and 'anxiety'. Funny how the doctor never seemed to be able to acknowledge those exact words to me.