*Mom, do you believe in Santa?*
Oh the dreaded question every mother does NOT want to hear. Should I lie? Should I tell the truth? Should I relate the story about the playground fight when I was in 4th grade that happened because some kid had told me there was no Santa and I'd had a knock down drag out brawl with him...to settle the facts of course.
Probably not.
I believed in the magic of Christmas Eve. I believed in the spirit of the Holiday, for what ever reasons. I loved the images of Christmas, the sights, the sounds, the music and the bright eyes on my children when they saw presents under the tree.
I mulled it over as my son stood before me. I couldn't lie, but I could find a way to tell the truth.
*I believe in the Spirit of Santa Claus, * I stated.
He nodded and turned away satisfied, I think.
I've refined that phrase a bit over the years.
I believe in the Spirit of Christmas.
Oh yes I do.

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