The download went well. But for some reason I did not get the trial key. I posted on the Topaz Forum asking for it and received it the next morning when I opened my email. It was PM'd to me.
Topaz Customer Service is excellent and has usually been able to answer my questions rather quickly.
Anxious to try it out, I opened up a photo of a Hermit Crab I'd taken while in Hawai'i.
Original [slightly out of focus]:

Not to be deterred, I decided to try another sample.
Out of focus blurred dog face original:

Hmmm. Okay, one last effort, perhaps I'm doing this wrong?
Original [not really too badly out of focus]:

So I decided to try it with Topaz Detail [by the way, awesome plug in!]:

On the Topaz Forum there has been some interesting discussion regarding this new Plug in.
InFocus Range of Adjustment
For me right now, I'm not convinced that it is worth the introductory offer of $29.99 or the full price of $69.99.
I am however convinced that this plug in will probably undergo some development and be useful in the future. Topaz does listen to its customers and I give 'nod' to the developers and the customer service people for rapidly answering questions.
I'll be keeping an eye on this one.
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