Saturday, January 01, 2022

So it is 22

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The Holidays are over [Thank goodness!] I've taken down most of the decorations and am turning my attentions on my next project.

The photos above were used with some new editing techniques I've been trying to figure out.  For those interested I will show the before shots below.
I just went out in the fog with my Olympus DSLR and a 12mm lens. That means if I want to be closer, I have to walk closer.  

Of course I wanted a deep mystical mythical looking forest. The one that would have Hobbits running about and perhaps a few elves too. Sorry, no elves or trolls, just the trees and the clutter of the forest floor.

I picked out the cool oak tree I love so much and tried to find a good angle of it. This tree, I call the Hugging Tree. I mean it looks like it is ready to give you a hug! 
It's odd shape makes it a favorite of mine to take shots of all year long.

This boxelder tree is not well loved by most people. But I adore it. 
I think it is the absolute, best-est ever climbing tree in the universe. 

Okay, just the best one on our back road.

My neighbor lady found out that her kids were making a fort there once and was aghast. The tree resides on the edge of our absent neighbor's land. 
I told her that it was the place I would pick for a fort if I were their age.
She wouldn't let them keep their ropes and little chairs there. 

The photo below is just a random shot through the fog towards our house from deep in the woods.  I just thought that the leaves that still hung on the trees were unique. I don't know what kind of trees these leaves belong to, but I suspect some kind of cherry tree.

I won't repeat the snowy scene. Nature provided the absolute perfect backdrop for that. 

It is 22.
Just that.
It is just another date change. 
I'll get excited about the next snow storm or ice storm perhaps.
Today it was all about staying comfy while doing outdoor work.


  1. Those are two very neat trees! Just down the road from us are several weeping willow trees that are just huge. They would be perfect for tree forts!

  2. Years ago I thought living in 2022 was beyond I am here. Really cold here -35 this morning. I like your hugging tree, stay busy! You don't have much snow!

    1. We do have about 5 inches. Those photos are from before Christmas. Only -11 here when I did chores.
      The bugging tree is my favorite too.

  3. Trees do seem to express a variety of line in the winter. I like them a lot.


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