Monday, November 21, 2022

That back pain!

For the past few years I've had back pain which I understand is the most common thing that drives people to go see their doctors.

If I sat for a bit, I'd be stiff and walk a few steps stooped until I could straighten up. It was worse every morning when I got up. I had resigned myself to the thought that this was 

how it would be for the rest of my life. 

The doctors confirmed the arthritic issues in my low back and described bone spurs and such. With their diagnosis, I felt...well this is good as it gets. 

Most days, things would feel better by mid morning and I'd forget about it until I sat down for a bit again. Or...I worked in the garden and would feel as if I were locked up and couldn't straighten.

I had taken a break from the gym because of the diagnosis of osteoporosis and mainly because I wasn't sure of where to go next. After the medication reactions, I decided to get back into the gym and join the Mobility Class. 

I decided to do some personal training to see if I couldn't combat the bone thing. If nothing else, would it make me feel better?

Could I have done this exercise at home? Sure I could have tried. But I know that if I do it on my own, it gets pushed back until the day is done and exercises go undone. I know myself. I used to be very disciplined while training for running. But doing a whole body workout is not that easy. 
Nor is doing it properly. I needed a supervisor!

The fact is, I stink at home exercise programs. Hey, there is always a nap to take, a book to read, or time to do it later! [Not]

So I went to Mobility Class twice a week during the summer and added one day of personal training. My coach, Angie has worked very hard on setting up the training sessions just for me personally and geared for aging bones and spines.

In September, I switched from two Mobility classes to one and went to two personal sessions per week.

I woke up last Friday morning and a thought came to me as I made coffee and gazed out the window. 

How many days have I been getting out of bed and my back isn't hurting?  Those muscles weren't stiff and cramped up. 

I thought to myself that the muscle pain has slowly dissipated.  How can that even be? I've had it for so long ... surely it was permanent. 

Each time I get ready to go to the gym in the back of my mind I think...Nah, I really don't have the time. Or, gosh I could just forget it today. Or, I don't feel like sweating today.

I get dressed and go. I am not kidding you, it takes dedication and it is not easy. The results are not immediate. And somehow, twice a week Angie makes it interesting and challenging. 

We work on making those muscles that protect my 'frail' low back stronger so they can protect my whole body. We work on all of the muscles and let me tell you, it is hard work!
But afterwards I feel great.

Trying to keep yourself mobile and strong enough to do regular everyday things is difficult. Even more so as a person ages.

What a bonus for me to have coaches and people I can trust to guide me in exercise and my journey in keeping up my strength, balance, and stamina. [Not to mention the release of endorphins which make the mental attitude much rosier.]

This video is a fun one she made of me on Friday...

One last note. 
Some of the members of our CrossFit Viroqua gym are as follows:
Aged from youngsters to those in their 80's. We have knee replacements, metal joints, replaced hips, old hips, and those who have or are recovering from cancer, stroke, ... you name it, we make up the gym just like we make up those in our society.

Our gym is not comprised of jocks and body builders. We are normal everyday people.


  1. Wow, that video is amazing, good for you! Very happy you have found a way to help yourself.

    1. I sure feel good physically and that sure helps with everything else. Next September we will see what the bone scan and tests show.
      I have my limits for sure, but I am enjoying it.

      The best part of our gym is the Mobility Classes, I absolutely think that is so helpful.

  2. You can plank! I have not tried that in a number of years! Cool Video!! You rock!

    1. Yep! Angie asked me to plank and then she made it a competition and timed it. I do these at home on days not at the gym along with a few other moves just to keep my core strong.

      I guess I surprised her.

  3. I gave myself a set of free weights for my sixtieth birthday and still have flexibility and strength, no joint pain, at mid eighties. Go you, you've got this!

    1. That is awesome. I know not everyone is able to do this, but my father set an example by starting to work out in the 1960's when it wasn't cool.
      He was still working out when he was 87! He had help because he was legally blind, but he sure was my inspiration. You rock Boud!

  4. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I'm finding that to be true more now than in my youthful days. Many older folks. ( including myself) are trying to stay in shape or get back in shape. Good for you getting out there. And I thought Hiking was enough to keep you young.

    1. Hiking is great but at the same time I need to keep my balance and strength in all areas that I can.

  5. One is never too old to reap the benefits of exercise. Good job embracing your workouts!

    1. It is hard work, but it feels like it is paying off.

  6. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Kudos! You are one tough cookie and you look great!!!

  7. You are accomplishing amazing things! I am in awe!!!

    1. Thank you, it is hard work but it seems to be paying off.


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