Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Socks and the Eclipse

I woke up early this morning and didn't even think about the Lunar Eclipse. In fact I had a raging old headache and I was positively feeling kind of grumpy.

I'd given up even looking for the moon or driving to the ridge to watch it or photograph it. Grumpy Me.

However, I got a little text from my neighbor wayyyyy up on the ridge. The view of the Eclipse was stunning from her deck. I am jealous of her views except when the winds blow. I grabbed my long lens and walked outside in stocking feet.

I could see it!

What a goof. Instead of putting on shoes or boots, I jogged down to the mule pasture and ducked through the hot wires. I trotted up to where I could see the moon. My shots were noisy and messy because I just flipped the camera to Auto ISO. It was 28 degrees and I was in PJ's.

The pictures are not very great, but hey, I got to see it!

My neighbor to the west of us...they are half a mile away.

and then...

it was gone...as the sun rose and the moon set.

Funny thing.

My headache went away. 

So there you go.

Maybe the cold air was a good thing.


  1. Good for you - you let your passion for experiencing this take you where you needed to be.
    I am convinced the moon affect my arthritis and my mood, so the same with your headache.

    1. Any time I spend too long indoors, I get a headache I think. Also my poor eyes [cataracts] keep changing rapidly. However, that cold air sure helped.
      It was a beautiful moment we won't see again for 25 years!

  2. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Cold feet, but great shots!

    1. I wasn't as cold as I thought I'd be. My fingers were cold though!

  3. Now that's dedication! Sock feet in the cold! I was wondering if folks in the east would get to see it before it set. It went red about 3:15 am here.
    I like the misty shots!

    1. Stargazing LLC or somebody like that had posts from all around the world so that was pretty cool. Mine was at sunrise and the fog was rolling in. Thanks. At least the ground was frozen and not mucky!

  4. Yeah you got to see it, I forgot all about it, but it was cloudy here anyway:(

    1. The clouds moved in as the sun rose! I'd forgotten about it too.

  5. Glad you got to see it.

    1. It was pretty neat! I saw the last two ones too, so I am lucky!

  6. Beautiful shots. I had written down the times that I should take pics. My warm bed sounded a whole lot better, so I skipped taking photos of the eclipse. I did watch the eclipse morph around sunrise. At one point, the clouds above the moon made a shape of a backlit cross!! I would have really liked to have a photograph to help remember that incredible sight.


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