Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday Stills ~ Upside Down


the song below is an earworm if
you have ever heard it....

Angels watching over me

With smiles upon their face

'Cause I have made it through this far

In an unforgiving place

It feels sometimes this hill's too steep

For a girl like me to climb

But I must knock those thoughts right down

I'll do it in my own time

I don't care 

I'm halfway there 

On a road that leads me straight to who knows where

I'll tell you what 

What I have found

That I'm no fool 

I'm just upside down 

Ain't got no cares 

I ain't got no rules

I think I like ....

Living upside down ~~ Paloma Faith

This one from last winter:

I still find it disorienting.

And the last from this morning's hike in the creek:

A classic view from the fenceline between our land and our west neighbors.


  1. Your photographs are just lovely.

  2. Of course the Assup is perfect...yes I recall that second photo from last winter ...I agree with you who knows what is up and what is down:)

    1. Yes that still is a favorite shot of mine...that winter shot.
      Assup birds, I think Grandma called them that very same name.

  3. Love the nuthatch! First time I saw one I was quite taken with them. They are still one of my favourite little birds.
    Had to biggify the second photo to figure it out- love it, and the reflection in the last photo.

    1. That second shot was very unusual as it makes one feel disoriented. It was fun.
      Yes, we love those nuthatches too!

  4. Great choices! Love watching nuthatches. I had them regularly at my previous home, where my feeders hung from a tree. I see them upon occasion on my feeders here. They are a lot more fun to watch on trees.

    1. Thanks, I am hoping to attract some this winter so hubby can point out birds to me! Nuthatches are cool birds.

  5. That second pic is whoa! I had to spin it around several times to figure out what is going on in it.

    1. Thanks, ... exactly how I hoped it would be!


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