Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Get Lost


Get lost

in the world of tiny things...in the rain....

I mean look at this beautiful scenery!
See? Brown Season!

Hubby thought I was nuts.

I decided to do a bit of wandering under the oaks and maples in the meadow before heading down to explore.

Who am I kidding? I was randomly following the dog who was randomly following his nose.

I should say that I was practicing DayDream Walking. You know, a way to get into that Zen World of Photography. Be aware of things but be nowhere in your head unless a pattern catches your eye.

I guess I was doing that in a way. Just slowly walking between multiflora rose thorns, blackberry thorns, and small trees mixed in with the detritus of the forest floor.

I stopped and watched the woods for a while. I saw a doe far off leap up the opposite bank of the creek and head into the prickly ash area. I thought she picked a good place to disappear.

We stopped at a favorite log of mine on the forest floor. It has three different mosses on it and some Common Powderhorn Lichen. 

All summer I worried as the moss and Lichen dried out and looked as if it was dying. However with the fall moisture from drastic day/night temperature changes, and the rains, it has come back strong and beautiful.

I am in love with the bright cheery colors, it looks as though the mosses are decorating with Christmas colors of red and green.

Here is a close up of the Lichen with raindrops balanced on the edges. The second is a crop so you can see the forest above reflected in the drop.

30mm macro lens
f 3.5
800 ISO

The macro world is so full of surprises. I sat on the log as Charlie sniffed around near me. That is, until the dampness seeped through my coveralls. 

I couldn't believe my luck when I got to the creek.

Droplets of water were everywhere. The log below ....

gave me this!

I walked down the creek a bit further looking for some more Lichen.

I got lost in a maze of logs with amazing droplets perching on the capsules. Well, I used to call them Moss Flowers but that isn't technically correct.

It wasn't until the rain started up again that I seemed to come out the spell of Enchantment the moss had on me.

So much to see! I was enthralled by the way the droplets hung on the moss capsules. I didn't want to leave at all. 
I wanted to stay lost in logs and mosses and see if the Forest Fairy I'd disturbed would come back and eat his/her fungi!


  1. Your photographs leave me breathless! The droplets are surreal!!

    1. Oh thanks! It is fun to explore and find beautiful small things!

  2. You found some great color! I don't see brown as down, guess I am just different. To me your first photo has rich colorful shades of brown, reddish rust, green, white and black ~ viewed through a misty veil. We all feel and see what we do, so I will just agree to disagree :))

    Water droplets are so fun, you captured some great ones on your walk-a-bout!!

    1. With your assistance, I can start to see the variations of browns and the richness of it.
      Seeing this through your eyes helps!

  3. Wow you captured some great water droplets! I haven't done macro in a long time so I enjoyed your photos. :)

    1. I sure was excited and wished I could stay all afternoon but the light faded!

  4. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I love the water drop pictures. I also don’t see the brown, rather shapes and rich textures. Many years my vision problem was misdiagnosed and I was told I would be blind within three years. Thankfully they where wrong but I really learned to look and see the beauty of nature then.

  5. Simple pleasures! The photos with the droplets are so special. You and Charlie make a great team when it comes to exploring.

    1. I should follow the dog more often!

  6. You did get some great shots. The green moss gave you some great shots of green colors plus such nice textures.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes, mosses and lichen sure give the forest a different color!

  7. Being able to capture water on lichen. must be a really great camera. ( drool drool... ) Not really. I will stick with my cheap-o one. As long as it works, I can get most of what I need out of it.

    1. Thanks, it is an entry level Olympus with a macro lens.
      Enjoy your camera!

  8. So many beautiful things no matter what the season. Lovely water drop photos.

    1. Thanks, water is always so interesting to photograph in any form.


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