Friday, September 08, 2023

Forest Bathing

Well I've been back at the hiking trails with great enthusiasm. Of course my buddy Bill asked if we could hike together after he has taken a year off from hiking.
He needed to get some health issues taken care of that he had been trying to ignore. But one needs to breath in order to continue to exercise like he wishes to do. 

We hiked a nice easy trail called Big Valley. It goes from Highway 131 to Big Valley Road and is 2.5 miles long. The trail is pretty well maintained and has very gentle hills. It was warm and muggy when we started out with misty wet stuff coming down, but we went anyway.

We walked and talked. It was nice to catch up on things with Bill. We didn't solve the world's problems, but we just enjoyed the trail and the conversation.

The skies stayed gloomy and overcast and we actually hoped for some rainfall that didn't happen other than a light mist. The colors are changing and the grasses are drying up quickly in this drought.

We talked about the predictions for winter. Would we get a lot of snow and cold? I'd be okay with that.

At the end of the Big Valley Trail, we walked across the road to the trail head for Hoot Owl Trail and admired the rocks and amazing trees.

We stood for a bit and just admired the wonders of the area we live in.

This is the kind of activity that refreshes me and keeps me sane. 

Forest Bathing [National Geographic Article on it]or Shinrin-Yoku is a thing. Did you know that? I didn't. You can even book a session with someone to experience Forest Bathing or Forest Immersion Therapy.
A person can become a certified Forest Therapy Guide. Did you know that? Nope. I didn't either. 

Thank you, I'll just hike with a pal or Charlie.

I always feel calm and relaxed after a walk in the woods. 


  1. I knew about Forest Bathing. Yet another retreat offering. Silly to me that it has become formalized. Bet hey, whatever encourages people to appreciate natures healing ways. Glad you got out to KVR to enjoy your own style of forest bathing :)

    1. I was surprised at the Forest Bathing Certifications or Forest Therapy. LOL. But then again those that live in a concrete city really miss out on the benefits of Mother Nature.
      I do enjoy KVR and the woods around here so much.

  2. I don't think I have ever walked through a forrest. I live in a heavily wooded area, but where you are is different. It's kind of wild and rugged looking. It's cooler here but we desperately need rain.

    1. I spent many summers in NW WI and we were forest children, but I like the terrain here so much better! More exciting!
      Walking through a path in the forest is very calming.

  3. Glad your hiking buddy is back! Sounds like a wonderful time back out. I would rather skip forest bathing, thank you.

  4. We just walk out the front goor to forest bathe:) Glad to hear that Bill is back to hiking!

    1. He is on occasion but won't be like it used to be. But one step at a time.


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