Friday, September 01, 2023

Happy September !!

Here is a photo of one of the fields I walk to on the ridge in the evenings. It has been full of deer the last few weeks, they were grazing on the oats and then moving onto eating the corn plants.

This field should have produced two or three times the number of round bales shown here. Our county is now in severe drought and as of Friday with temperatures rising and the humidity dropping to 25%, we are also in a Fire Watch.

Yesterday I mowed some green patches of grass that are near the porch. The grass did grow there because I've watered my flowers that surround the porch.

We've had lows in the 40's this week and some nice temperatures. Come this holiday weekend we will be back up to nearly 100. The DNR is saying that we will be in critical fire danger starting today. Campfires will be considered a no-no.

The good part about it being so dry? Maybe it won't feel SO hot? The bad part? Well, we really really DO need rain!

I'm nearly ready to quit watering my flowers and let nature take its course and gather seeds for next year.

Yesterday afternoon I took some time to just sit on the porch and watch the world drift by. Of course I nodded off while sitting up and then got an idea to try some ...

Stop Motion

Another Flickr fellow had done a super short stop motion with one of his characters and it was pretty impressive. I decided to try it also. 

I wasn't going in for the 24 frames per second or higher as that takes a TON of time. I thought I'd try something simple while seated on the porch.

So this is 11 seconds of fun that took 40 photos to create. I won't do this as anything other than a fun little hobby. It takes too much time and effort to do a really smooth Stop Motion animation.

IT is hard! The last time I tried this was with my kids and their Legos, a dinosaur, a rubber rat, and a soda can.

We used a hand me down video camera that took stop motion stills that was on a VCR tape!

Dennis and Ariel plan to visit us on Sunday, they will drive up for the day and then go back home as Dennis is scheduled to work on Labor Day. That will be nice. I know Dennis wanted to ride the mules, but with temps near 100, it won't be happening.

Our weekend will be quiet and fairly usual. We don't do Holidays around here.


  1. Love the video! It is hard. I was in the photography club last century, when I was in junior high. We spent a semester making a stop action video. It was brutal. The worst was one day when we somehow left the lens cap on? I am not sure how we missed that. . . .

    1. Thanks! I watched a video last night on how to do this with a cell phone...can you believe it? That might be sort of interesting, but it IS very time intensive!
      I'd rather do it the old fashioned way.

  2. We are also in severe drought and are having the same temperatures as you. I hope this is the last hurrah. I don't understand the process but I'm pretty amazed at the video! Enjoy your company.

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    100! No thank you. Sure hope you get some rain soon. We are not big on holidays either...quiet is nice. Lori

    1. I hope you don't get more heat! It is awful!

  4. We had a few rains but we never got enough. It has been announced that we are in our third year of drought and everything plantwise sure is looking like it. I loved the one shot of your zinnias, pretty colors.

    1. Thank you! We had a decent year last year, but this year is pretty awful as far as drought!

  5. Have a good weekend! Stay as cool as you can, we will be in the high 90's here and it doesn't look like we will even have a chance of rain for ten days. Fire danger is so high now...and there are idiots out there for the weekend:(

    1. Idiots. Yes, they are out there! We've already heard sirens for accidents and other things last night! Fingers crossed for no fires!

  6. That zinnia photo is stunning!! Nice job on the video. Looks like a lot of futsy work. I no longer have any idea what is trending in the photog/visual world. Sorry it is going to be so hot when the grands visit. You will all have fun together regardless.

    1. I don't know what is the trend either, but I do know that nothing can replace good work---> like your photography!
      I just do what makes me happy. Some days it is toys, other days, it is flowers!
      I've done better videos, I may try one this winter if I have to stay in all day!


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