Tuesday, August 08, 2023

From Trash to Treasure?

So, last week we had horrid weather and I think I pulled lower back muscles or something else. It was painful to walk to bend to stand and well, if you've ever had that sort of pain, ... you will understand.

I spent some time reading library books, I spent some time staring out the window swearing that I'd never complain again about -10 degree weather, and of course spent time supervising the driveway rehab project.

Creatively, I felt stuck. Even with the beautiful foggy  mornings, I didn't feel too inspired. Nothing really got me going. That is until I was bored and decided to watch YouTube videos on how to build dioramas on the cheap using common items.

A guy built a little HO Train Scale tree out of a stick and wire. I was fascinated. Another person made realistic rocks out of foam board and another one that made rock backgrounds out of chunks of wood and mulch. 

I knew I didn't have the patience for the tree or the materials. But making rocks out of chunks of wood was intriguing. We had wood chunks all over the place. I live surrounded by a forest.

Lo and Behold, I found a chunk of foam in an old junk pile while I searched for wood chunks.

Wood chunks from the pine stump in the yard that I'd been pulling apart.

I thought at first I'd try using a box and a paper bag on the kitchen table. Could I 'make' a scene?

Then an idea popped into my head. I took a large paper bag and opened it up. I tried this ----> but it was sort of a fail.

Which ended up being this and this---->

It was just sort of Ok. Like Meh Ok. 

I needed to step away and do something else first. 

I got out the knife, paints, and Modge Podge. 
Let's make some rocks.
I broke the foam into chunks and then used a knife to make it look rough. The dude in the video said to save the pieces of foam for another project. So I stuck them in an old to go container.

I mixed the Modge Podge and the paint and started the messy journey in a nice cool house, while the world baked outside.

Wireless headphones and music helped drown out the sound of the TV blaring in the next room.

After laying it on thin and then thicker, I had to set it all aside to dry -- a long time!

So I rearranged the paper bag on my 'creative' table and grabbed some chunks of wood. I set a piece of packaging material from my trash and added it for texture. It was the right color and might be useful.

I added some figures randomly. 

I finally settled on an old Halloween prop [spider], a Tusken Warrior Lego figure and a small Tusken Warrior figure from my collection.

It really doesn't look like much at all.

Using a narrow depth of focus I wanted the scene just to give an indication of the spider and I wanted the figures to be in sharp focus while the items behind just added texture.

The figures kept falling over because the paper wasn't taped down. I used an Elmer's Glue Stick on their feet.

And the final result was:

Whoo Hoo! 

Meanwhile, the 'rocks' had dried enough so I could add more shades of color.

I wanted dark-ish rocks, but with some eye catching highlights. I added a grey wash to the high points and had to set them to the side again to let them dry.

Finished rocks:

But now I was in the mood to hunt for treasures and see what I could come up with in junk piles. 
These items were part of an old CPAP hose. I wanted to make something like a space junk pile.

Sometimes I wonder about myself. I get in a slump and then all of a sudden I get in a crazy mood to 'make' things and experiment. 

The first attempts with some of the items were fun. It needs more 'work', but here is two just for fun shots.

Mr. Eggstreme must have come to the wrong Lego Scene here! 

My first attempt at my Space Junk. 
I have to figure out what to do with the light better. 

But I think it turned out okay for a first attempt. I may add the rocks and some more light to make something more notable. But for now? This is it.

Let's face it. I had a great time and had my creativity and imagination challenged. It sure makes the days go by and gives me something to enjoy.

I'll be taking some more items and creating texture on some old pieces of pipe using glue and would you believe it...??? Baking soda.
What happens when I am done with all this stuff? Why, I can toss it back into the junk pile outside the shed or send it to recycling. In the mean time, I can have fun with stuff no one else would think of as useful.

One person's junk is another person's treasure?




  1. First, I know that pain. Now, on to the good stuff. I LOVE it! You are so very creative. The finale with the spider...fantastic. I also understand one person's junk is another treasure. I save bones and the throw-away parts of vegetables and make soup stock. Most people see it as trash. I end up eating it!!

    1. This was the first time ever I've suffered severe back pain. I know understand how debilitating it can be. I think I am lucky that it may only be musculature which seems as though I am on the mend.
      I save bones and make soup too! My grandmother used to eat the marrow out of her bones!

  2. Great response to boredom! I think it's really fertile ground for making stuff. As you show.

    1. I think I just like trying to 'make' stuff out of 'stuff'. I'll never be a pro, but it sure provides hours of fun.

  3. You are so creative! I bet you would be a great woodcarver!! The smoke is back here again. :(

    1. I did do some woodcarving classes with my MIL -- the first one. I did well. Then I went freestyle just making 'stuff' out of chunks of wood. I made some totem poles out of small blocks and odd blocky creatures.
      I think I still have that knife upstairs in a memory box. :( on the smoke....

  4. I have felt your back pain. It was debilitating. Hopefully yours continues to improve and doesn't make return appearances. One person's trash is most definitely another one's treasure! The rocks you created are realistic! I wonder if your son can ID them ;)

  5. When I was in my late twenties I looked down to the parking lot and saw a black figure that was lost by some kid. I didn't even know that it was Darth Vader. I still have that guy today.


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