Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Rain, we got rain!

 Thank goodness! We have had two rainfalls this week!


This morning we received an inch of rain! Delightful!

It looks like I can get out in the forest and look for awesome cool fungi!

Things have been so dry ...

See photo below, this is what our meadow looked like last week. There is nothing left there and I am keeping the mules out of it. 

Today we had an inch of rain so far and more is falling this afternoon! There are times when I don't get too excited about rain but not this year. Any rain is appreciated.

An inch of rain meant that we'd have some water in the creek for a little while at least.

The total rainfall for the whole day ended up being an inch and 1/10th. Whoo Hoo!

It is too late in the growing season for hay fields to rebound except for perhaps one last cutting. I see that the price of hay has gone through the roof figuratively. It may become a very harsh winter with the food source being scarce and very expensive.

Okay, enough of that.

The flowers are enjoying the rainfall as well as the grass. We may get to mow the yard this month!

Cosmos with an Ambush Bug waiting for breakfast...

Cosmos in the morning light.

The morning glories are finally blooming and  adding color to the old Wagon Wheel I have out in the yard. 

I think the variety of poppies that I got in the wild flower seed packets are my favorites this year. They are so stunning in their pinks and reds.

I'm going to collect their seed heads for next year and see if they sprout!

The Nasturtiums are in their glory and spreading their vines like crazy.

With the humidity and the rain along with some hot weather this weekend, the fungi, slime molds, and mushrooms ought to be bursting forth!

Bolete from before the rain.

Way to go Fani Willis!


  1. Yay for much needed rain!! Beautiful poppy & photo. We had a few areas with little parasols pop up, but that is it. Unless you count not so interesting lawn fungi. If we continue getting moisture, there may be a few fungi Fall finds in our woods. Time will tell.

    We ended up not buying hay. Brad recently cut/bailed a tiny field, and cutting the rest of ours Thursday. He plans on a Fall third cut. His field predictions are pretty good. Fingers crossed.

    Happy fungi hunting!

  2. We had rain Sunday night. I was so happy! It's become prohibitive feeding equines. Yes, yah Fani!

  3. Yeah for rain! Your Cosmos are so pretty as are your photos! Happy shroom hunting!

  4. Anonymous12:36 PM

    So glad you finally got some rain. Coming here this afternoon. Either way, you photos are always gorgeous! Yay Fani! Lori

  5. Good for you to get rain. I stopped watering some things after a couple of rains and that was really a mistake. Your glories look like mine. I hope you get more rain.

  6. We are on the dry side of the county this summer. We had a HUGE storm on Friday night and we got 5/10th of an inch. The north part of the county got 5" inches in some places. Yes, FIVE inches. Flooding, wires down, a real mess. So I guess I will be satisfied with our 1/2 inch.

  7. Ok never heard of an ambush bug before.
    Love the cosmos and poppy photos!
    Hay is expensive here too. We are fencing off more of the pasture here for fall/early winter grazing and letting one pasture with the best fence come back for later winter grazing. I will be moving the mares off it on Sunday. We are blessed to have so much pasture here; the last 2 places I lived had very limited/no grazing.


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