Monday, May 01, 2023

Play time.

What is there to do on cold dreary days that rain and snow both at the same time? Well. Dress up in warm clothes and go out in it?

I decided to try a trick or two with some Legos and a monster I picked up at the Flea Market.

This is Harry, he usually rides a motorcycle and does stunts and crashes with it. Apparently he decided to try riding his pet Pterodactyl. I mean, doesn't everyone have a pet Pterodactyl?

The Monster is Spawn's Violator from Circa 1997 -- apparently if this one was in great shape and had is packaging it would be worth $50? I got it at the flea market for $4. I had no idea there was even a comic book series called Spawn. My Granddaughter filled me in on these important things I seem to not be aware of!

The creator of the series of comics even started his own toy company to produce action figures from his series of comics. 

--- Ok.
Back to the how I did this! How did I make the Pterodactyl fly? How did I produce rain and snow on demand?

Here is the original. I used about 6 table spoons of flower that I shook out of a cup onto the characters for snow. 
I used a wire to hold the Pterodactyl up above the grass. [I had many failures and mishaps before I was successful.]

There wasn't much to the follow up editing to get rid of the wire. I was surprised at how easy it was to use something called a magic eraser in the ON1 photo program. Photoshop is the go to program for most people, but I don't like to pay a monthly fee to use it.

The rain in the first shot is really rain...created with the help of a spray bottle with water in it.

I thought I'd try a bit more fun with Harry and his motorcycle. Toy Photography is tough if you want action!

So here is an example of the idea. I used a clear Lego 'stick' for this idea. I didn't have a better way to make Harry appear as IF he was in a mid air crash.

I spent a long time trying to get the angle just right.

The wire trick was much easier to 'erase' from the photo, however ... I am pretty pleased with Harry's trick riding. Enough to try some more efforts along these lines.

Of course Harriet and Hobby got out while I was hiking and they had some fun too.
The Maiden Hair Ferns are starting to emerge from the ground!

Last but not least.
My favorite fun shot of the week that includes toys.

I placed Harriet with her long lens on a rock so she could photograph a Wood Anemone. 
I crouched down to take her photo and 

a Miner Bee chose that moment to visit the wildflowers!

How lucky is that?


  1. Looks like you had fun, despite the crappy weather. Love the last shot!

  2. That last photo made me smile:) You are having fun even if the weather is not cooperative:)

  3. What a deal. Cue the bee for the perfect picture. I really enjoy you collection of fun things.


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