I don't have any photos of my drive into work yesterday. Nope.
Too dang terrified of the road conditions to even consider it.
I left early for work. The county snow plows had made their last 'pass' at 4pm.
I nearly decided to turn around and go home and chuck the whole deal when I hit a drift on our gravel road and slid into the ditch.
I called Rich thanking myself for the foresight to have bought a cell phone.
After Rich pulled me out of the ditch, I continued my journey. I knew that as the day ended the winds and snow were to pick up and I would lose any chance of seeing the highway I was to travel on once it got dark. [It was not a very pretty commute let's just say...white knuckles!]
The temperatures plummeted from 23 degrees to -9 in 3 hours with winds increasing, snow falling, and winds gusting to 35mph.
Throughout the night I listened to the sheriff deputy as he went from one place to another with reports of vehicles in hay fields, corn fields, ditches...
My drive home was actually pretty nice, considering.
There was a nice layer of ice under the snow, bright ... shiny...slippery. Sort of a 'fun' challenge to drive on.
When I got out of the valley and up on the ridge,
well you guessed it, the winds were whipping up the snow, creating beautiful deadly drifts on the road.
I was surprised though to find myself on a very clean part of the road.
As I rounded a bend, my surprise was a road grader...he was the reason for the clean road!
Well dang, I just slowed waaayyy down and followed him. After all, he pounded the drifts and I just followed along in his snowy wake.
He turned off the road and when I glanced in my review mirror I saw a huge orange county snow plow bearing down on me.
Well, welcome and howdy!!!
I eased my butt over to the next intersection and let him pass. Boy was I ever happy now.
I did have to stay way back as this big orange beast hurled down the road at 25-35 mph blasting snow sometimes 30 feet into the air.
I was warm, I was content, and I was happy. My truck had plenty of gas and I had the heater on high.
Thank you Mr. Snow Plow Man.
You have NO idea how good it was to see you and the grader on Hwy 82 this morning.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you...
23" + 5 = 28" of snow.
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