Morris and I went for a walk this morning ... I think he is pooped out now. The snow was above his belly and once again he was snow swimming.
It is so much fun to watch him bounce like a rabbit.
The wicked weather has quit and as long as the snow doesn't blow hard, I shouldn't have too much trouble getting to work tonight. I'll be taking the GMC truck this evening it is a gas guzzler, but also a very healthy winter vehicle.
Some folks think I'm crazy to live in WI and put up with this weather.
Once you learn to get around in it, it isn't soo very bad.
It is the other guy you have to worry about.
Over the weekend the winds are to pick up, we are to get another round of snow and the blowing and drifting is supposed to get ugly.
Hmmm. Oh yeah, the temps are supposed to drop drop drop...again.
And just yesterday, I was walking around town doing my shopping in a spring jacket, no gloves, and tennis shoes...It
22 degrees and sunny!
[Don't say it...I'm nuts!]
Oh yes...
Happy Birthday tomorrow to a very lovely young lady...Lily will be 4 yrs old.
Last and not least.
My new graphics toy...Bryce 5.5
I'm learning....

Let's see last I kept track was 15" of snowfall this year...plus 8" last night!
TOTAL so far this year = 23"
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