Monday, March 07, 2022


I'm out of words for the moment as the horrors of an unjust war rages on. I see the news and what is happening in Ukraine. We put up pretty photos of Sunflowers on our Social Media sights an do little prayer emoji's. To what end?

It brings into clear view the pettiness of some of our protests in our country. Protest a mask, a vaccination, drive a truck across the country to show dissatisfaction. And I remind myself that this is a freedom we do have. A right we have as citizens of a somewhat mixed up country. But we are free and do not have tanks driving down our streets or missiles hitting our homes. We are not picking up dead bodies of our neighbors or fleeing and hiding in bomb shelters.

I take a moment to be thankful that I have a roof over my head and I have food and running water. 

My complaints in my ordinary life seem rather trivial today. 

I'm going to spend some time turning off my devices again and going for a walk in the fresh snowfall. 

And I'm going to remind myself just how lucky I am.