Thursday, March 24, 2022

Rainy day Squatching

March is a tough month in a few ways. The cold rainy days are dismal yet we watch outside with anticipation. Hoping to see that first crocus or daffodil to poke up out of the ground.

Yesterday I found earth worms on the porch, so the ground has had enough frost come out so the worms could come up!

The Robins were happy and full of song when I did chores, as were the other birds. The mushy part of the driveway was a bit firmer so there was that.

When hubby got ready for his morning nap, I told him that I was going to go out and look for raindrops. He chuckled and gave me that look. 

"It's raining. There are your raindrops."

Me: "Yes, well, maybe I can see how good my water resistant coat and pants are!"

He made a comment about it being wet and cold and shook his head.

Charlie was all in on this. He keeps an eye on things when I'm down near the ground looking for interesting mosses. Of course he is surveying the area for killer chipmunks, or squirrels.

The briars looked like they were decorated with raindrops hanging on their thorny branches.

I thought it was neat that I could see the trees above them reflected in the water droplet. 

I did some hunting around and found some bubbles in the creek. I shot this which wouldn't be possible on a sunny day.
A multiple selfie with me waving at the bubbles.

A closer look:

I was looking for some mosses on a log that I know hold tiny water droplets. 

There was Squatch trying out his bark raft. He looked a bit wet!

Apparently it was time for his spring shower.

He definitely got wet!

The rain started to get heavier so I decided to head home. My water resistant lined pants were getting pretty damp but I was still warm. My jacket was starting to take on a bit of moisture.

Charlie was soaked, but his heavy undercoat was warm and dry.

I hung up my wet things to dry and toweled off Charlie. We got back before hubby awakened and snuggled in on the couch with a book.


  1. Wow!! You are such an observant and creative photographer! Kudos to you for coming up with outdoor rainy photography fun, and with good company. Squatch got really really wet! Good thing he has all that hair to stay warm. It's nice that Charlie doesn't bug you while setting up & taking your pics. Tank is impossible to photograph with. If I stop walking to look at anything he is all over it. Silly Labradors.

    I thought about trying raindrop reflections with my tubes (vs my usual zoom) after seeing them clinging to all the branches. That would have meant doing the rainy routine allll over again. Shoes and layers off/on, drying dogs (their favorite part!) prepping camera etc. An easy pass. Maybe on another one of our many upcoming rainy days, with dogs inside. Of course I could just haul my go to lens and skip the tubes :))

    These shots are all great!! The bubbles lol, SO many Vals!

    1. My hound Dixie was like Tank. I couldn't squat down to look at something without her big slobbery face being stuck in my camera or my face.
      She was a 45 lb dog and knocked me over a couple of times with her loving enthusiasm.

      Charlie used to wander off but he has learned to stand by now.

      Thanks. I was able to do the bubble thing one time before and it was a cloudy day and imagine my surprise at seeing myself so clearly!
      I thought it would be fun to try a repeat.
      It was!

    2. Did you pop some of those fun bubbles?

      Thought of you yesterday, while walking our soggy woods. I saw tree reflections in the hanging rain drops. It made me :)

    3. No I didn't but I did meander and spend a lot of time just peering at tiny things. Next time I am taking the magnifying glass!

  2. Those reflections in the raindrops! You are such an artist!!!!

    1. I just love being outside and looking at things. I like small things because our forest is so overwhelming it is fun to find the tiny details.

      Plus I needed fresh air! Thank you!

  3. Nice bubbles! Good that you got out to explore!

  4. How to make a rainy day into a good day !


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