Monday, December 28, 2020

Happy Birthday Charlie

Yep, I usually get this end of the dog when we head out for our afternoon walk/hike to the creek and back.

To an incredible little dog who thinks the sun rises and sets on my husband.

Rich talks with him all of the time and I see him absently petting Charlie when they sit and watch westerns on the TV. Charlie listens intently until his eyes droop and he falls asleep next to his friend. I have a sense that Charlie is somehow aware that he is needed this way.

Happy Birthday Charlie.

We are so honored to have you as our Master.

Thank you, thank you...

Thank you.



  1. If the snow was any deeper, looks like Charlie would have a tough go of things. Happy Birthday!

    1. They are calling for a major snow this afternoon through tomorrow. Charlie actually loves leaping through the snow until he decides it is easier to follow my trail. This next snowfall should place the snow above his head!

  2. Happy Birthday Charlie, hope he gets some special treats !!

  3. He did. He got a small hand out from supper along with lots of lovin'.

  4. Happy Birthday to your Charlie! Life is SO much better with dogs!! Western's are always on our tv, my hubby is addicted to them. I am not a tv person, so it works for us. I just do other things while he zones.

  5. Anonymous11:46 AM

    The last picture is such a sweet picture of the birthday boy.


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