Thursday, April 20, 2023

Busy day

Tuesday, the sun came out and melted off more snow. Charlie and I headed to the woods to see how the rest of the fences faired out. We wanted to see if the Virginia Spring Beauties were still around and look for other signs that Spring was coming despite the snowfall.

I was surprised that the electric lines were just fine except in the places where the deer had knocked them off their insulators. I took an insulator count for replacement.

We found Pheasant Back mushrooms forming on a tree that fell over the winter.

This surely was a sign of spring!

In fact we had to sit down on the forest floor and get a closer look:

When we did, we found this in the leaves!

And we found Mayapples or as my Grandmother called them Maypole flowers. I don't know why but she did.

Of course there was Frank the Trooper Dude who decided to sit on a log and get in touch with Nature. He brought Birdie and they relaxed in the sunlight.

Hobby found some leeks or wild ramps just above the creek where water was actually flowing this Spring from the bountiful moisture and the snow melts.

Soon it will be time to walk along the creek and gather wild parsnip roots for a fresh veggie to be seasoned with wild garlic and some wild ramps. The parsnip and wild garlic are invasive species but eatable so why not eat them?

Wild parsnip roots:

Spring culinary delights await in the woods.


  1. I would be so happy to find those around my place. You live in a land of wonderment to me.

    1. You may be able to find parsnips rather easily. I often cook up nettles too either for tea or fresh green veggies. No they don't sting after being steamed!
      The tea is good for you and the nettles taste somewhat like fresh spinach with an odd texture. Wild food is all around.

  2. Oh I bet the parsnips are good and so expensive in the store! We like them roasted! We are getting snow, how much has yet to be determined:(

    1. They are delicious but extra work of course. I like them sauteed with garlic pepper.
      Hopefully the snow ends!

  3. We have a very cold wind today. I bet you are still cold if there is snow on the ground. I like all the figures out there exploring with you finding all that they can see. Take care.

  4. Glad you are thawing!!!

  5. I have never tasted any of the foraging items mentioned. It's nice that you are comfortable foraging. Does Rich eat/drink them? Just curious. Brad wouldn't touch any of these with a ten foot pole. I just recently got him to eat mixed spring greens with spinach (gasp!). He does like mushrooms cooked in dishes. Shiitake are our favorite. I love mushrooms, so we almost always have Shiitake in our fridge.


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