Sunday, October 09, 2022

Just do it

I admit it. I am a 10 year old trapped in a 66 year old body. 

It has taken me years to admit that. I'm just a kid at heart. Truly I am.

In public and private I have to be responsible as I am hubby's Fiduciary and his CareGiver. CareGiver with bold letters. I won't bore you with what I have to do for him each day.

However, I have found a few things that allow me to maintain sanity in an insane world where stress seems to be lurking in our lives every moment.

I leave the stupid phone at home or stuff it in a backpack but leave it on Do Not Disturb. Then I wander around the pastures and the woods near by.

Last year about this time, I decided to take a tripod into the woods and dress up and do a forest glamor thing. I wanted to look like a wild gypsy in the forest dancing carefree.

You can see that here: Into the Woods.

This year, I was thinking more along the lines of how much fun we used to have playing in the leaves as kids.

The tripod and camera came with me. The shot above is me walking along a cow trail in my neighbor's pasture where I walk often. 

I'm not so great at doing portraits, especially those of myself. I'm not a model and I am weatherworn. At this point I no longer care.

I want to enjoy myself and feel free which was exactly what happened when I got into the Maple Forest.

I simply tossed leaves into the air and had a good time. No one was there to even hear me laugh.

But man did it feel wonderful.

And no, I did not come home with hordes of wood ticks either.

I came home feeling pleased and smiling. There is just something fun about play.

If you notice that I am wearing two different colored gloves, you are right. I buy a pack of those cheap stretchy ones each year and keep them in my back packs. I often lose one or another and then just grab whatever. No need to match!


  1. I like especially the laying flat on the ground one. It would feel good to just lay there and look to the sky through the tree branches. One does have to find a release vale on the pressure cooker whenever you can.

  2. I'm glad I met you! Playing in the woods, fantastic. I looked at your glam shots, they are lovely.

  3. Great shot of the two of you but it looks like one did the other in...:0 You had fun! I often wear gloves backward to get a pair....the top part of a glove is hardly ever worn out!

  4. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Love these photos and the fact that you are just going to do it! Smart move. Now, to look at your glam shots.....

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      I loved your glam shots. Lori

  5. What fun! A perfect way to play on a picture perfect day!


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