Monday, February 07, 2022

Wild Things near

When the morning sun broke over the tree tops, I saw this young deer north of the house at the top of the hill. The winds hadn't started yet and everything was calm.

Taken through the 
back door window

After I'd finished the chores, the breezes started. By the time hubby got up and had some coffee, the sun had disappeared and it began to snow.

Imagine our surprise when we spotted another fawn bedding down between the old garage and a tree. It curled up and went sound asleep. [And it looks like it is drooling!]

Later during another snow squall, some fawns came ambling through the yard.

I took these through a screened window so they are sort of soft looking. But the mules are standing just on the other side of the electric fence napping and ignoring the deer.

Two of them walked around to the side of the porch and then turned around and headed out to the woods but not entering the mules fenced area. I know the electric fence doesn't bother them much as they just jump through the two lines.

I do know that the mules will chase intruders that enter their areas.
I'm curious if the fawns had already learned this.

I'm also learning that deer tend to be more active during certain barometer readings. 
I do know that they feed towards dusk. 

This little one came right up to the spot I'd cleared for parking and off loading groceries. 

Speaking of feeding at dusk, we were quite amused at 6 deer that decided to surround my Subaru. It is parked in a grassy area that was plowed last week.
One actually walked up to the passenger door and looked in the window.

I couldn't pass up adding this little nuthatch to my shots this week. Just check out that face!




  1. Love the unique nuthatch photo!! You have a lot of deer action near-by. We hardly see any on our property anymore, occasionally in the distance when they are on the run.

    1. These are the fawns I caught on camera and saw in the area this past summer. The snow in the woods around us is hard and crusty. This day the winds were cold so they dropped down out of the wind to the yard and found dried grass and weeds!

      Last night I walked out with Charlie for night potty. It was funny as the deer were 10 feet away ! I was totally surprise by running deer in the dark!

      I didn't used to see them so close. I wonder if they are overpopulated and can't find the food? Or are just looking for easy pickin's.

      I do love the birds! I want to get the unusual shots it at all possible. Great challenge and fun.

  2. Cute Nuthatch! The deer look like they have heavy coats! :)

    1. A lot of people called her/him Angry Bird!

      Yes those deer sure are fuzzy. and getting pretty darned close to the house which has never happened before.

  3. Surrounded by deer! They look more like pets than wild animals. We used o have them in the back yard of our old duplex. One night, Cheryl and I watched as he cat chased them around. They were VERY close to the window. So fun having wildlife join you in your yard from time to time.

  4. A wonderful nuthatch to see. I am sure the buildings give good protection. Even though the mules don't like them I bet they are drawn down there too because they are there for company. You have fascinating wild life things going on there.


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