Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Veteran's Day

Not much to say today. 

There is a lot going on in the news and I need to sort that out yet today with some strong coffee.

It is Veteran's Day which my husband largely likes to ignore. He is of the Vietnam Era and believes all the nice things said to him now are a bit too late. That sounds so bitter, but this is his way.

He has been a good and sometimes difficult person to have as a husband, however, I am happy to have had these years with him.

These are some photos from the past.


  1. Thank you for your Service Rich. We understand about Vietnam...those were really tough years.:(

  2. Congrats to the Veteran! (Did he get a free cup of Joe from the convenience store?) I know how he feels about being "fussed over" on Patriots day or Veterans day or the 4th of July. But deep down, it does feel a little good to know you served your country. Maybe I'm alone, but I don't usually think it is much of a big deal, and I don't like bragging about it. ( I never went to war... THOSE guys need a hug and a pat on the back...And maybe something stronger than a free coffee...Maybe a beer or whiskey?)

    1. Thank you. No, he is basically a Hermit at this time. He's had so many Medical 'Insults' that he just has no energy left to get out.
      I appreciate this though and thanks again. :)


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