Saturday, November 07, 2020

Don't shoot onto my land...

New Stand on ...not my land. And the person that put it up cleared branches and debri so they could 'see' over my fence better. I can spit on the stand from my side of the fence.

This part of the woods has a very heavy canopy in the summer and very little undergrowth which makes it good for open shots. 

They have the right to put it there and to hunt from there. I do not dispute that at all. However, the last two years I have picked up arrows on my side of the fence. One was stuck in a tree, two were in my leek patches.

I keep debating how I'd like to handle it. I do mind finding arrows on my land after the fact. I also do mind getting a lecture from this fellow last year while hiking on my neighbor's land [which I have permission to do].

So this year I'm decorating my woods.

This is what the hunter will see on MY side of the fence.

Not to mention the other Halloween Decorations I am putting up. Actually, I go back there nearly everyday as part of my walk with Charlie. 

I like to do Still Life photography in this part of the woods.

The rocks and canopy make for a perfect place to practice outdoor Still Life.

I guess I will just continue my daily walks back there with cups, toys, saucers, necklaces and other things for some fun still life photography. 

Maybe I'll add my creepy baby dolls to the decorations and take back the little blue chair that I have for reading while down at the creek. I could put my stuffed Woods Bears in kids chairs in a little circle that would look like they are camping there... 

I've always thought that that part of the woods would make a wonderful campsite. Hmmmm. I have a blind I could take out too!

Stay tuned.

All in all, I really should just let it go and stop being nitpicky. 


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Sometimes we just need to set boundaries, emotional as well as physical. Stay safe though!

    1. And sometimes I need to just complain...LOL.

  2. Well you are such a kind person...I would be target practicing near there:)

    1. I thought about leaving a radio playing there. Alas, no little radios around here in the house or junk pile.
      I DO target practice down towards the creek further so I have a hillside behind the target.
      LOL...I even thought of putting up a cut out person...wouldn't that be funny? Cut out people?
      I think the ideas are just as amusing.


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