Sunday, October 10, 2010

Back in the Creek!

So ... the laundry is done, the house is picked up...well as picked up as it will get until the weather forces me to stay indoors...

Morris was anxious to get out and play. I was anxious to re-establish myself with the woodland.

I loaded up the pistol, grabbed a back pack, a water bottle, and a snack for Morris and I.
Rule #1 when hiking or riding:
Always bring a snack for your hiking or riding buddies, they appreciate it and seem to remember to ask for it at some point.

Morris started doing mad circles around me as I stepped outside. Poor fella, he hadn't been on a good adventure since I'd left for Hawai'i.
He dashed, skidding on the gravel driveway and picked up speed as I headed towards our mule and foot trail.

Down to the creek we went first.
I sat on a rock and opened the back pack and breathed in the damp smell of fallen leaves in the water.
Morris seemed to smell something else.
I set up my Nikon on a small tripod and did some experimenting with timed exposures and at a little water flow on the creek.
Morris walked into two of the photos which is why it is always entertaining to have a dog along.

Rule #2 when hiking or riding:
Things are not always going to go perfect, but that is part of the fun.

Rule #3 when hiking or riding:
Just go for the fun of it and enjoy...and refer back to Rule #2.

1 comment:

  1. Love that second photo of Morris sniffing the air and your timed exposure on the water is beautiful. :)


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