Monday, July 27, 2020

What is the cost?

Where once I fear the cost of truth, but now only ask:
What is the cost of lies?

I watched the HBO movie 'Chernobyl'. It resonated with me in a slight way as I had spent a few years working near and around a nuclear reactor that was the same vintage as Chernobyl's. However this reactor was and had been in the stages of decommission for years before I worked there.

The movie was excellent if not thought provoking.

I sat in our living room and watched as officials lied to each other and no one wanted to admit the horrible thing that had happened. No one wanted to discover the truth. 
Those in government wanted the incident to simply go away. If they ignored it, it would not be.

I was deeply disturbed throughout the movie. At the end of each episode I sat on my couch and thought about the parallels in the present world.

At the very end of the series the scientist Valery Legasov's voice says:

This statement hits home.
You can take this any way you want to.

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