Friday, July 10, 2020

Gosh I miss him...

Mr. Morris was such a huge part of my late adult life. 14 years of everyday adventure. As a Jack Russell, he was always on the go. Go
go...was Morris's motto until the last year of his life.

His vet told me that a JRT will be like that. They'll go with boundless energy and then then stop. When they stop, then worry.

Yesterday morning I wasn't thinking of him at all. But when I opened my laptop and logged in. Facebook reminded me that Morris's birthday was today. Indeed it was and he would have been 16? Wow. 
I meant to take his page down but when I look at it, I just end up browsing his page and photos.


So I spent part of the day recalling our friendship and browsing all the Flickr photos of him all the way back to the day I brought him home.

It's true. Charlie is in our lives now and he has grabbed our hearts like no other. It was with great purpose that I chose a wonderfully different kind of dog. 
After can you not love this face?

Yes, I miss Morris and nothing can replace him or his place in my heart.

Thank you Charlie for helping to fill that space that hurts and filling it with your silly ways and your pure unselfish devotion to Rich.
Your devil may care attitude and hunting instinct, and your ability to take over the whole couch with such a tiny body.

So life goes on. We miss those we love.

And we find reasons to carry on....

Laugh love

and smile.


  1. I know the feeling. we miss Chance everyday. It is good that you have Charlie!! He makes us all smile!

  2. I was just thinking this today, you don't forget because you keep moving on with your life, (even if some people think you have! Talking about my life not yours obviously!!) In terms of dogs I think if you've been a great home to one dog it is a good thing to be that for another dog :-) Morris had a very lovely face too.

    1. We do move on but reserve space in our hearts for those who don't move with us. Thank you for your comment. Morris was a character and I am ever more thankful for Charlie my husb.and thinks the world of him.


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