Okay this week it is work, work, work. Many many hours.
But still I look forward to each day so this is good right???
After all, I've been able to purchase a nice little pocket camera that takes marvelous pictures.
And then Sunday I got this Trifecta rifle which hubby insisted I needed to keep me safe from varmits in the woods.
I like it, it is MY size which means youth sized.
I spent it doing 'honey-do's'.
We moved Cheyenne to a lot in front of the house, I did laundry [the windows fairy and the dishes fairy fail to show up!!!]
Hubby cut down a dying pine tree.
Our pines are slowly going one by one.
I worked in the cold weather to help clean up most of it.
Talk about a windburned face! [no wonder I'm getting wrinkles on my face...I prefer to think of it as beautiful indications of the weather-beaten look~not so glamorous on ladies though]
At least all the pines by the house look healthy!
Then Morris and I took a hike in the woods...a short one as the winds were viciously cold and Morris was 'snow swimming' despite the recent melt.

At least not with the news I've been watching.
And yes despite my recent purchases, I've been very frugal.
I hope all is well out there in blogger~land.
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