I just had this roll of film developed. Yes 'film'. It was too cold last weekend to take my digital camera [the larger one] out to take photos of the woods. I had to depend on my brains and what my dad had taught me about exposures and reflections of snow. I had one shot that did not come out the way I wanted it too. Not bad for an old Pentax K1000. Someone on Flickr commented that the Pentax K1000 was the 'tank' of film cameras.
I also need to thank dad for instilling creativity in me.
This week I have to do a speech for school. We had to post the titles for our speeches on the discussion board.
Our teacher had suggested we use a hobby or a passion of ours to 'do the speech' with. And I picked photography. My Title is: Take Your Best Shot.
My fellow classmates are posting things like~ Blood Pressure and You
Creative thinking and writing came from Dad. It will help me get through my presentation. Not only that, I had to round up 5 adults to use as an audience. They will be scanned into my video of my speech. When I called up some neighbors to inquire if they would help me out...they found out the topic and said yes, of course they would come!
So I have two very good reasons to thank my dad. His passion for photography has passed on, and his creative flair is helping me!
Love you dad.
Using the "tank" really shows your skill as a true photographer...yep...thanks Dad for giving us a great Val.