Saturday, July 01, 2023

What about the mules?

When I whistle or holler out their names, they appear out of the woods. These shots were taken on some of the more smokey days.

Mica is the grey mule and she knows if I holler her name, it is time to come for her Senior Feed.

Quickly, though, the red headed sisters decide that they will race to me. Do I bring hay, treats, or is it that they just want someone to rub their ears and tell them how beautiful they are?
These girls will take a  touch and a kind word just as eagerly as they would a treat.

The one in the rear is our gaited mule. She is a Peruvian Paso mule. She rarely breaks into a gallop and prefers to gait out. She is also usually the last one to come when I call. She loves attention and is a fantastic ride.
She hates leaving home. Once past the mailbox, she realizes that she needs to pay attention.

They all walk along their well beaten trail through the woods to come out on the old winter pasture. 
I rotate them from one large area to another every few days.

I am hoping for the weather and smoke to break up a bit so I can ride again in the evenings.

Poor Mica suffers the most with this heat, smoke, and dust. She has Equine COPD or Heaves. The rest of my girls are still looking rather fat and sassy.

Happy July everyone. 

PS~ Send rain.


  1. They are beautiful. If we get rain I'll tell it to head your way.

  2. Awwww, love these shots of your long ears coming/going for your TLC <3 Harsh weather is hard on all creatures. Especially the elders. Wish I could send you some rain! It would be great if we could order up the type of weather we need/desire.

  3. We can see the sky today and high fluffy clouds so maybe we are sending that your way...or some rain. We got almost a half of an inch this week. Your girls look like they are having a good summer:)

  4. It is interesting to hear of the different personalities. L bet I would like them all. I use to have to call the milk cow and and walk her to the barn for my dad. They liked getting the ground corn and oats.


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