Thursday, July 13, 2023

Something changed

 Last week my coach and friend Angie asked me to her house for lunch and some time to hang out with her kids.

She had an agenda of course and a good one at that. She knows I love equine of all kinds, and that I sometimes prefer kids over adults. Kids are kids when they are not teens. They are not complicated, they have demands but those too are not complicated.

She also figured out that as a caregiver with constant issues to deal with, I could use a distraction. 

Two things resulted from that 'lunch' date. I decided to get back to messing with my two girls who have had months off from anything except eating and pooping. I changed my evening routines. After supper I go out and 'play' with my girls. Each one gets a turn at a little halter work or a little riding.

[Hubby wants me to sit and watch the boob tube with him until bed time. I decided to change that up. I just am tired of sitting staring at a TV]

I took some shots earlier this week when I rode with my girls but since then I left the pocket camera inside and the cellphone inside. I didn't want distractions. I wanted quiet time.

Basically, it was boring. I sat in the yard where there was green grass with both of them on lead lines and let them graze. Or we rode to the ridge and watched deer in the different fields. Both girls were great. 

The gals were willing and cooperative. In truth, it was like watching paint dry. 

So what was the second thing? Well, maybe it was even more than just two things. Second thing is, I told Angie that I'd love to have her kids over to meet the mules. Of course the girls want to meet them and get on them. 

So I want to make sure that they would be on their best behavior. Both mollies have had children ride them under adult supervision. After all, they are big animals, not little ponies.

The third thing that happened was more interesting.

Since my husband fell ill, my responsibilities have changed. I made time for hikes and working out, but I sort of slowed way down on being with my riding mules. [The others are retired and are just pasture ornaments]

I found out that if I kept Sunshine and Siera up near the house, I had time to go out and do some Mind Melding with them. I could just hang out. I could ride them, play with them, tell them my secrets, my worries, and ask them for advice.

Their advice was simple. Pay attention to me and your heart and soul will relax.

And it has. This past week with daily evening doses of mule time, I come in the house with a rested mind. 

All these good things I've known forever, but I put myself last thinking that time with them was time away from hubby.

It really isn't. Most of my time with the girls are close to the house unless I am riding on the ridge. He is pleased that I am doing something with them.

Equine/Mule therapy is a very powerful and free drug.

Speaking of that...

We got an INCH of rain yesterday! Whoo Hoo! It was fantastic! 

As I was making supper I looked out the window and my very steady, reliable, quiet 25 yr old Molly Mule Sunshine was having the 'Feel Goods'.

Part of the issue is that she misses her sister who is not answering her calls? Or? Who knows?

I went out after supper and we had a talk. She wouldn't tell me what her antics were about. So I grabbed her bridle and a bucket and we rode in the yard and driveway then went to the ridge to get the mail.

When I got Siera out she told me: Sunshine was feeling good with the cool rainy weather and had done her Airs Above the Grounds in hopes that you'd leave her alone tonight. 

Siera winked at me and said: You know, I do not condone that behavior at all. I'm a much more Sophisticated Mule. 

Yep. I'm back to talking with my mules. 


  1. Anonymous8:30 AM

    No question about good therapy. I'm with you 100%. Lori

  2. I'm so happy you re-found this therapy. It's true, they are good for the soul. Sunshine was showing she still has it!

  3. Love it! Equine therapy does good in all aspects of life, for it clears our mind and releases our own endorphins. At least, that's how I see it. I love spending time just watching my lovelies. Mind Meld :o)
    Doesn't everyone have conversations with their equines? Asking for a friend.....

  4. Very sweet! So glad your friend helped you sort things out. You are reconnecting with your mules, and therefore yourself. It is a win all the way around, even for Rich.

  5. Having not been around mules nor horses I can still see in photos that they really do want to relate to humans. I like how the one is concerned about her sister. Change is good and I keep finding new and different things that a farm boy can do while living in the city.

  6. This is the best! I'm so happy for you. It is the little things and old friends.


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