Tuesday, August 18, 2020


I may be in one of those moods. What kind of mood? 

Gosh I really don't know. I walked out yesterday morning and watched the sun rise over what used to be the Merry Meadow. It belongs to the neighbor and we no longer brush hog it or fence it for pasture. At one time it was nice to walk through that well groomed pasture. I think there were about 10 acres of it. Now it is a nightmare to walk through unless the snow has pressed down the weeds and grasses.
Still, the morning sunrise is still beautiful to watch.

The Teddy and his lonely tea party. 
I spray painted the cups and sauces.
They were purple.

My husband's Aunt sent us this huge decoration for our house. I don't have the heart to tell her that it is way too large for my tiny house. I chuckled at the word 'Family' on it. 

Let's just say that I don't get the Warm Fuzzies with the word Family.

I get what it is supposed to mean though.
I was sorting through my mini boney dinosaurs to figure out which ones I'd keep and which ones I'd send to my youngest grandson. I set the ones I wanted to keep for photos on the mini bench in front of the place I stashed the Family sign for the time being.

[I have no idea where I would actually put it. Really...I don't! 
I'm thinking though it would 
make a nice frame without the letters to use for a 
flat layout and still life photography... hmmm....]

Other meandering thoughts. My flower garden is going great guns and it will be time to start collecting seeds for next year's gardens. The barrel I had in the middle of the plantings is now surrounded and one has to peek through the towering plants to see what is on the spool top I set on the barrel.

The Tree Ent looks
Think so?

The tiny brass car with the hen and chick in it looks like it is doing well. I have to remember to reach in and water that and the ones in the tea cups....

Maybe I'm feeling the ... well, I don't want to call it stress... but perhaps it is stress...
The stress of worrying about something I can't really do much about. The worry about the coming winter. The worry about world events. 

Perhaps what causes my feelings of unrest come from something deeper. The cost of Isolation and being careful. 
The feeling of waiting for that Other Shoe to Drop.

Sometimes I go to do something and I just stop. I look around and feel as if I've lost my way a little bit. I stand and wait. Then I think of something I should be doing. And of course then I do something else.

Distracted and disjointed.

I sure hope this oddness passes.

I think I'll take Charlie for a stroll now. Unless I should be doing something else.

[Oh...and if my kids read this they'll get the reference to Family. It isn't about them, they will fully understand why I chuckle at the word.]


  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I hope the feeling does pass, but you are not alone in that lost feeling and the fear of the upcoming winter. I wish I had some sage words of wisdom to help, but I don't other than keep moving forward the best you can.

    I have been following your lead and doing more strength maintaining exercises and more walking the streets when I just can't take it anymore. I walk downhill so really get a workout walking back up that hill. Maybe that's the feeling - like we are always walking uphill. I'm sending you a virtual hug!.

    1. Thank you. My father was 82 when he went back to strength training with a coach because he was legally blind. It improved his balance and ability to get back to doing things he hadn't been able to for a while. I loved your last photos!

  2. Oddness...I think the hot humid day where you feel sluggish and then the rainy days bring on those feelings...cause you know soon the snow will fall and the days will be shorter.
    Somedays I feel disjointed too. We are a club!
    Stay safe and do something just for you!

    1. I think I go through a bit of doldrums each August as the light begins to fade to rapidly. I am in a hurry to process the food and put it up. I feel like there is not an extra minute and yet I find myself wondering what to do next.
      Partly stress and partly everything else.
      Unless of course I am losing my mind! :)

    2. Nope I am sure you are in your right mind:)


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