Friday, April 17, 2020

Of this and that

I have no absolute wisdom to offer on this Covid-19 issue, other than I wish to keep my husband from getting it. Is it getting it an eventuality? I don't know. But for now, we are able to isolate ourselves fairly well.

I am the only one that leaves the house. I'll go grocery shopping on Sunday morning.
It has been 3 weeks since I went to town. That is incredible. I don't think I can claim that I've ever done that before.
I did a hike with a friend last Friday and we stayed distanced, arrived in separate vehicles and enjoyed a spring day.

I've finally started to plan to extend my east garden. I'm hoping to get the dirt moved from the compost pile soon.

It sure doesn't look like much now does it?
From the downspout to the pail in the distance is all I am going to expand by. While mowing, this is always a pain to do, so I thought I'd make this a straight edge more or less.
Who knows what it will end up looking like?

I've gathered log chunks and odd looking roots to put in the garden. I intend on making a path down the middle of it and using these odd shaped items to decorate in some sort of Fairy Garden style. I tried drawing out plans but in reality, I really fly by the seat of my pants.

Everything will be moved around and changed anyway. I'm looking at what I have available from seeds last year that I gathered and some low growing sedum along with hen and chicks to add to the funky logs.

This will involve using the skid steer to move the dirt. I think I have Rich convinced that he can do the dirt work! I said I'd start and bring it out to him.
He seemed rather interested in that. He even talked about putting dirt in a few other spots.

I just have to get him on a good day when the weather is perfect!

To keep from going stir, I do daily hikes. Sven has really been a good hiking pal. Yesterday I let Charlie be the leader and he followed a deer trail.

Along the trail I found Dutchman's Breeches just beginning to poke through the leaves!

After hiking for a while, I sat down on a log and enjoyed having a snack.

When hiking with a goat and a dog. Anything YOU eat must be good goat food or good dog food!

I did carry treats for both Sven and Charlie.

Yesterday I did turn off my smartphone and left it at home. I spent the rest of the day unplugged.

I think that is a great thing to do right now. Limit the news and limit the exposure to the Talking Heads.

Stay Safe.


  1. Anonymous9:45 AM

    A perfect place to self isolate. :). I'm doing ok in the apartment, doing lots of sewing - which I never liked but can do it. :)
    I always said you can never be bored in a house with a yard, there is always something to do. :)

    I hope the use of antibodies gets perfected and Rich can be more protected from Covid-19. Keep enjoying each day. Best always.

    1. I did sewing this week and other projects that needed doing! Cleaning my .22 pistol and squirrel rifle! I did sew masks and cleaned the upstairs. Uff. Not a job I care for. But it was snowing!

  2. You are doing good! A new flower garden will be a good project! You should probably turn off your phone but take it with you just in case. My phone is a just incase phone:) Sven is looking good! :)

    1. My phone was nearly dead, so I just tossed it on the charger and went walking. Some of the areas I visit are dead zones! But normally I take it but put it on do not disturb!


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