Wednesday, January 01, 2020

LIL Bear...

There is a LIL Bear.

This is a toy that was handed to me by one of the neighbor's children.

It is almost 3" tall and is posable. It came with a tattered ribbon tied around its neck.
For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what kind of toy it was. It was old, it most likely belonged to the mom of the kids when she was young.

I figured out that I'd never find out what it was.
So while baking some cookies yesterday, I picked up my cell phone and began a search.
Indeed, it was a toy from the 1980's!

They are called Calico Critters. And they are pricey too!
I adore this bear, she is time worn and missing some of the flocking. She didn't come with clothing as the ones newly purchased do, but I rather like her red ribbon.

So for fun I did some creative still life with 'her' the other day.

CrossFit with LIL Bear.

Warm ups:
Jump rope...whoops ... got tangled!
Here we go!
How about Kettle Bell Swing?
Box Jumps!
Whoops! Ooops!
Okay. Better!
Box Over Burpees!

Wow! LIL Bear was busy!

So many things to do!

Enjoy your New Year's Day.
Welcome to 2020.

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