Saturday, November 07, 2015

Grocery Shopping. Ewww.

I can say with sincere authority that I dislike, dislike immensely, Grocery Shopping.

I think the food I want should just automatically just be dropped into my cabinets when I need it.  

I hate making a list, I always forget it at home.  On those times I don't forget my list, I forget to write something down anyway.  Or I come home and discover that I got all the ingredients for something like chili except one ...

We have two stores in town that we can get groceries. One is called Jubilee Foods and the other is a SuperCenter Walmart.
If I want to drive 45 miles one way, I could have more choices, but I prefer to get what I can in town.

The only saving grace for getting groceries is that sometimes I can take the backroads back home and find something interesting to shoot with a camera.

So off I go to Walmart, the bank, and Jubilee Foods. Another exciting day at the farm.

Oh, reminder for self.  Stop and talk to the new neighbors and let them know that male coyotes have been running up through their woods so that they should keep a close eye on their little dog, Dexter.
Call old neighbors and see if we can get together for a catch up visit.

Okay, enough with lists.  I'm terrible at sticking to them anyway.

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