Friday, January 05, 2024

One of THOSe dayzz


This is how you feel after talking with your loved one and trying to get them to do some hygienic stuff. 

I can recall when I was a little kid. I tried negotiations with my mom regarding washing up and taking baths. Baths were a really UN-favorite thing to do. I once asked mom if we could just skip baths and brushing of the teeth. Maybe I could just do it once a month? I'd be a really good kid for her if she allowed this deal to go through. I mean come on, if I got washed up I'd just get dirty again so what was the point?

Yes, he doesn't feel good. Yes he has low energy, but ....

I leave it at that. Some battles have to be fought over and over before one gets a result.


  1. You have always been imaginative! Guess your mom didn't buy into your plan. :)

  2. Hang in there....

  3. Hugs. And - I look like your top picture today. No excuse, I'm just in that way.

  4. Not fun. Sorry.

    My mom was also resistant. I think it is part of aging. With her it was more of hanging onto something she could control. Saying no.

    1. Some days... yup. I just have to feel a bit of drama and maybe go out and yell at the sky! :)

  5. Hang in there, do the best you can Val.


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