Friday, December 29, 2023


 Vrede: Dutch word for Peace, Tranquility.

I learn a lot from my Flickr photo Friends. Viewing Europe and other countries through the eyes of other people is always an incredible experience.

Finding peace and tranquility can be so hard during this time of the year for so many. I think folks need to slow up and catch their breath a bit. Easier for me to say now that I am not traveling each day to an office or other job.

More colors in December? How's this?

Red Dragon Sedum with melting snowflakes on it yesterday.

Snow caught in the Hen and Chicks plant next to the house.

Snowflake caught on a Hen and Chick next to the house. 

Christmas Eve Fog

Christmas Day Fog in our pasture ~ not colorful, but the fog did have a beauty to it!

And for some down time entertainment, I sort of made an attempt at a stop motion film. It is all of 5 seconds long. It did take me about a half hour to photograph and move the pieces carefully.

I did get out for a short walk with Charlie. We walked part of the neighbor's creek and I was able to check the fence. The mules can't get back there which is a good thing. I have a lot of repairs to do in the next couple of months.

The snow melted yesterday as the temps rose and it will melt more on Friday as the temps are supposed to be nearly 40 degrees!

Hubby has made some slight improvements. He is cranky and bossy now, so I say...he will recover.

I think I will go search for some Vrede.


  1. You did good with the short film! Lovely photos, as usual. Find Vrede.

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    You and your cameras....pure magic. Love the video. So glad Rich is improving. Lori

  3. Back from my Christmas internet break... sorry to hear about how sick you both were- uggh! And glad it is mostly over.
    You took some beautiful photos- love your macro shots! Especially the snowflake one. I too find fog beautiful- it always seems so mysterious, especially when it starts lifting and shows the world that has been hiding in it.
    Hope 2024 is a good year!

  4. I like your video!
    I am glad you are feeling better.

  5. Cute video! Lovely snowy photos especially the snowflake. Good to hear that Rich is feeling better!

  6. Great feel-y photos. I also noticed some of my hens & chicks have turned bright red. They really stand out in the blah overcast weather we have been having.

    I enjoyed your short film, fun!

    Hope each day finds both of you getting better.

    1. I feel fine, the other half says he isn't and the recovery is extremely slow for him.
      More bleh weather today, but I'll probably find something outside to interest me!


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