Monday, July 18, 2022

Time Out!

I've been watching the weather and for the past few weeks, it has sort of sucked. It has been hot/humid or rainy/stormy, it seems nearly every day. Any day that it is decent has been a lawn mowing day.

At least with most hot nights, it has cooled off enough to open the windows and enjoy fresh air. Hubby needs the AC so he can breath easier during most days.

Sunday morning was foggy again, but nice and cool. I helped hubby get his breakfast and since he was doing okay, I decided to try something different.

I left early, just after 7:30 to go hiking. It was sunny on our ridge when I left, but very foggy on the drive up 131 along the Kickapoo River. That is normal for our area. 

My goal was to continue working on the Trail Challenge and I had figured out a route that I wanted to take which would complete two very long sections of trail.

I parked and headed out in the fog.

Bridge 10 and the Kickapoo River:

The trail head for Hay Valley Trail [heading North] can be found on Dutch Hollow Trail just a bit south of Bridge 10 on Dutch Hollow Trail.

I was doing Hay Valley from Dutch Hollow going north 2+ miles and then at the intersection for Bail Out trail heading east to Hwy 131 and back to where I parked.

I am so happy that I invested in super moisture wicking light weight pants and shirt. Many parts of the trail go through tall grasses and other weeds. The pants actually resisted the water for a while, but eventually I got pretty wet. 

I didn't mind as I figured the pants would dry off. I wasn't uncomfortable at all and I kept on trucking. I figured the trail would go into the woods soon and I wouldn't have to deal with waist high wet grasses and weeds.

Foggy forest just above the River.

Spidey Webs!

The Muck Hole!

The Muck Hole was a bit of a challenge and it was here I sort of wished I wasn't hiking. It was here that I wished I had thought to bring a 'hiking stick'. Oh well.

Shoes and pants can be cleaned so I made my way through and it wasn't as bad as I expected.  I crossed a shallow stream and was back on my way up towards the fog and the ridge.

Bluff edge overlooking the River
below which I couldn't see
because of the forest canopy.

More cool spidey webs!

Other noteworthy parts to the trail. 
A rubber bridge or perhaps you'd call it a boardwalk. 
I wonder if my mule would walk 
over this? 
I doubt I'll ever know
as I have no truck
to pull our trailer.

Neat Rock Shelter! 
This is worth checking out in
the middle of winter!

A hole in the rock wall!

A place to chill out next to 
the rock ledge 
and cool creek water.

I found the intersection of Hay Valley Trail and Bail Out Trail. I've had two hikers with me that I've taken past these signs. Finally I got to check out Bail Out Trail.
It is noteworthy that it was probably an old road at one time. It is rather straight and wide.

I traveled this section rather quickly and came out on Hwy 131 as planned. The walk back to where I parked was easy and not unpleasant.


Things learned. 
Early morning is great, but I need to be prepared to get wet in the morning dew. 
The bugs were minimal except when I stopped in areas with tall grasses. 

Cool mornings are the best in my opinion. However, I really want to do this hike in each of the seasons. 
I'm looking forward to a late fall or early winter hike. And of course, a spring hike to see all the amazing spring flowers along Hay Valley Trail.

Section 40 is definitely going to be one of my favorite trails.

I was home by 10:30, just as hubby was waking up from his morning nap. 
My timing was perfect and I had my inner peace restored.


  1. What a wonderful morning!!!! I just love those spidey webs - so magical.

  2. Yaay for restored inner peace!! I have the same photo of the second marker from our Spring hike this year :)

    1. I hoped you would recognize it! So I did the mysterious south end of the Hay Valley Trail. Beautiful trail. Worth doing next spring!
      Bail Out was nice but not exciting!

  3. Good to hear that you made it out for a hike! Hope you are staying cool there as today is a miserable humid day:)

  4. I would get lost. The spider web photo is marvelous.


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