Thursday, June 18, 2020

All is quiet...

Can you spot 
Charlie in 
the middle of the photo?

Our morning walks get pretty wet sometimes. Between the creek water and the dew fall, Charlie is usually soaked by the time we get back home.

I actually was able to stay awake the other night past sunset!

I worked on my night 'shooting' skills which need... a bit more work I'd say. It is hard to focus on tiny blinking lights!
However it was fun sitting in the driveway with Nature's Light show all around me.

Hot days are for early mornings in the garden, working on those pasture weeds, yard work, and flower garden work.
Yesterday morning I finished clipping mule manes and got that done for the summer.
So far this summer/spring, the days have been pretty pleasant.

I've spent some time on the porch with Charlie. He watches and naps. I read and listen to the birds.

Today I am meeting with Bill, my hiking friend. To combat the heat and bugs, we are going to bicycle the Old 131 trail like I did with Kristine on Monday.
It will be too warm for yard work with Rich and Bill suggested a Hot Hike.

I suggested we bicycle and create our own wind.

I'm looking forward to it.

The numbers are starting to increase around us so keeping Distant is always on my mind along doing activities that are not considered risky.

Stay Safe.


  1. I watched a firefly show a few night ago, I find them interesting! Stay safe, I think the numbers are going to go way up in the next few weeks:(

    1. You are correct as the numbers in a county not far from here had a sudden spike. 50% of those tests came back positive with people in their 20's and under! Our county is having a spike in children of 10 and under.


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