Sunday, November 18, 2012

Act Scared Get a Treat by Morris

I went with her and HIM the other day and he acted like a grumpy Gus.  Or he was hamming it up for HER.  Of course this is a face that only a mom could love.  I think puppies are cuter, but hey, who is to judge what SHE likes?

He was checking his tree stand thingy.  I wasn't too impressed, I think I'd fall out of it!

Then it was the deer hunting morning.  OH MY!  Blam, blam, blam, bang, bang, bang.  It sounded like a war zone!

It was awful!  Terrible!  Scarey!  I was with HER  while she was doing chores.  Suddenly it sounded absolutely monsterous, like things exploding all over the place.  So I started shaking and quaking.  SHE put me in the house.

Then SHE was eating her breakfast when I came in the kitchen and acted kind of scared.  I did a no-no, I jumped in her lap and laid down, just a quiverin'.

SHE put me in my crate when she went to town.  When SHE came back I helped her unload the groceries from her car.  I pretty much got under foot as much as possible.

Then she stopped and pulled something out of a package.  SHE handed me a luscious, beautiful chew bone.
And suddenly all my fears of the bangs and the booms were gone. I'm pretty sure I mostly croaked and went to doggie heaven.  

So now I get it.  Act skeered and goofy, get a treat!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Morris that looks like it will make it all better! Hope the bangs and the booms don't make you quiver too much, I'm sure your human will keep you safe from harm and what better excuse do you need to sneak extra cuddles?


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