Saturday, May 09, 2020

The Hunt for Morels

What can I say? I like hunting for Morel Mushrooms.
There are a few things that a person really needs to be successful.
Know your trees.
In our area, know your hillsides too!

Most of all. Do not be in a rush. You must have a lot of time.
Time to squat near a place to just let your eyes roam about to look for the pattern of the Morel.

If you find some, the advice is ... don't move. You may be stepping on them. I found that to be true enough.

Slow is better. Take time, don't hurry. Be relaxed and listen to the birds. Enjoy the fresh air.
Or the gnats and bugs when it gets warm. [Not quite as enjoyable]
Don't pick the False Morels.
I've had people tell me you can eat those reddish ones.
Nope, I don't think so. It isn't worth the risk now is it?

I found enough early Morels to make a 'mess' for us the other morning.

Homemade Bread and Morels.
What better spring treat can there be?

These were the early ones. If we get some rain, the other trees further up the hillside ought to produce...

I'd put up a trail camera near one of the trees ---- what an active place it is!

The person in the photo is someone I know and I sort of figured he'd drop over and check out the big tree that produced so much last year. I missed out on a rather large crop of Morels because 'someone' had picked them!

He's a good guy really but it is a bit irritating. I don't search his property for Morels.
I am conflicted in a way. About 7 years ago he called us to ask if we liked Morels and Rich said we loved them! He told us about another tree that on our place just over his fence that he had picked nearly 10 lbs at!
He offered to bring the Morels over and we just told them to keep them.

Since he lets me walk and take photos around his creek bottom I feel compelled not to start something. After all, I know I can call him if I need his help in an emergency.

I do have a surprise waiting for him under the tree though.

Evil laugh.

No, it will not be harmful. Just curious to watch his reaction on the Trail Cam.

Those are not real Morels, they are Candles made to look like them!



  1. I follow a blog where they actively hunt and prepare mushrooms. Here is the link. They live in Iowa.

    That fellow will call you when he finds the candles:)

    1. I hope so, he is a good guy and we all get testy over Morels. Frankly, I'd let him and his son hunt on our property for deer...but Morels? :)
      Besides, I'd rather play a practical joke than put up a sign!


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