Sunday, September 29, 2019

Doggone Good Day

Basil is my neighbor's dog.

She is a cutie!

I forget exactly what she is ... perhaps Shitsu and ...? Um, I forget. All I know is that she has hair and doesn't shed like Charlie.
However her 'hair' gathers burrs while Charlie's shedding gloss hound dog coat doesn't.

The two of them absolutely have the best time together, no matter what.

I'd offered to take Basil out when the neighbors are gone for the day. It serves as a great way to exercise both dogs at the same time. Both end up happy and content at the end of the day.

Here is a short video I took and compiled together of them....

My newer Olympus 'cheap' camera takes videos in a resolution that is fantastic if you want it played in slow motion. If this was regular speed you wouldn't see the expressions on Basil and Charlie's faces as they played.
They play rough, but never hurt each other.

We did some exploring...

When 'in the wilds' I kept Basil on a line. She has been very good for me on a recall, but finds deer trails a bit too tempting. We found a trail that I've used along with deer for years that the 4 wheelers have now expanded.
Looks like a nice one to ride mules on!

Both dogs were a bit more subdued when we headed up our trail for home.

And sunbathing and sleeping took over when we got to the porch.

And...the day was a doggone

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