Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Thoughts

Over the years we have been so lucky to have the 'kids' visit during Thanksgiving, even though it was the Gun Season for deer.

Hubby generally had one or two deer that he was processing. One would be for his daughter and one for us. My husband's family grew up hunting deer. My mom's family did also. 

This photo is from my Dad's archives of slides that my brother scanned and saved. This would be my cousin standing in his yard after he and his brothers, father, and uncle had a successful hunt. I think the photo would have been taken in the mid 1960's.

Hunting and family get togethers was more of our family tradition for a long time. 

I have unscanned photos from many years ago with my young boys watching their grandmother process a deer. 

Anyway. Our country families were always brought together by the hunting aspect of Thanksgiving week.

That has stopped. The big draw was my Mother in Law, she'd always put out a big meal. She was one of those people that could make magic in a kitchen without seeming to make any effort at all.

When she moved to her apartment and started to decline in health, I'd make lasagna and take it to her place. The rest of the family sort of wandered away and did their own thing.
Geography played a big part in our get togethers.

Distance does that. Sometimes travel is fun and sometimes it is just too hard on those who would like to travel but because of health reasons, cannot.

I will remember past Thanksgivings fondly even with all the extra stress that was involved.

I recall the long road trips to my Grandparent's home and the fun we had with our cousins. All we have left are photos and distant memories now.

Here are a few photos of Thanksgiving pasts...when some of the grandkids were still wee ones.

They are grown up now and doing their own things...

Time moves on. Where did it all go?

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


  1. Cute kids. Time marches on but the good memories of fun times are still with us!

  2. What wonderful memories to hold near & dear (and deer). I appreciate those that can pull off a large gathering with style and finesse. I cannot. Not for the lack of trying.

    Peaceful Thanksgiving wishes to you, Rich and your four legged critters!

    1. I could pull off a big meal! Pizza for everyone! LOL!

      Peaceful it is here with a visit from the eastern neighbor... well one of the large family anyway. He was pleasant and we had a nice talk. Charlie tried to get on his 4 wheeler. :)

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Sweet memories....time sure has flown. Lori


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