Sunday, November 05, 2023

Thank goodness for links...


I really messed up this week. 

There was a baby shower for my daughter in law today. I had the invite, I had a link to things they wanted. And because of Caregiver restraints, I didn't plan on going. Oh. I wanted to. Baby stuff is awesome, cool, and oh so sweet.

How stupid of me to set the things aside and remind myself. Oh, I'll get that later. 

Of course I thought things like: Oh. It's a way off, I'll get that later. 

Meanwhile I'll take care of the pony who had colic. Oh that fence fixing stuff. Oh wait get those gutters, they're full of leaves again just after I cleaned them a month ago!

This morning I got up and made my coffee as usual. I made Rich's coffee after pouring mine into a thermos. I decided to start the day with fresh crisp air.

Charlie and I left the house in the semi dark. We heard owls talking in the distance. They weren't calling out Who Who Who Cooks for You?? 

It was another kind of owl. The world was mostly silent except for the birds starting to wake up and move about.

The sky was amazing. I sat down in the soybean field and decided just to watch the sky for a while.

All summer we had a drought with no cloudy and brilliant mornings, some mornings were dull with heavy forest fire smoke. This was gorgeous.

The colors kept changing rapidly.

This photo was edited to bring out a painted effect. 

What can I say, it felt a bit like a magical morning.

I was enjoying the fresh air when I stopped in my tracks.

It was Megan's Baby Shower today! Wait, what? Wait...what? 

Oh NO!

I'm an Idiot, I'm an Idiot was my mantra as I walked back home. I shook my head and stomped my foot and told Charlie that I was dumb, I was an idiot. could I???

I tried searching the link that I'd gotten on the card and then gave up. It didn't work for me. I racked my brains. Nothing I could do anyway now. It was too late.

I went about the day with this nagging feeling that even though I was replacing busted wooden posts with t posts, I should be doing something else. I felt wretched.

[Truthfully? I wanted to be part of that happy party where all young moms and old moms -- grandmas sit around and watch the new mom to be open up all those incredible beautiful gifts. I recall the fun and pleasure of being that new mom many many years ago and how overwhelming it was that kind people gifted me items to help me with my firstborn son.]

Finally just before supper I searched my smart phone for the link my son had sent me a while ago. I paged down looking through the baby list and at the bottom it had another link which led me to Amazon. At the bottom of that list was a wish list for diapers. They had a Baby Contribution Gift in which a person could pick an amount towards diapers. There was a monetary goal listed.

Rich and I discussed diapers and talked about it at one point. Diapers are not glamourous or something too ooohh and ahhh over. However I know from purchasing diapers for my youngest son when his two youngest ones were born...that the price was pretty eye opening.

I filled in an amount and sent it off into an Amazon Gift Thingy or Whatever it is called. A diaper Fund?

The best part? An email would be sent to Megan and Eddie alerting them that they had a diaper fund within minutes of me hitting the purchase button. Holy cow, Batman! I would get a gift to them on the proper day after all!

Thank goodness for links, lists, smart phones, and on line purchases.

Now to search high and low over the next few months to find someone to stay with Rich so when the new mom and dad are ready for this old buzzard to visit, I can go.

Whew, thank goodness I didn't delete the text my son had sent my awhile ago.

Below ~
Photo of my Grand daughter Elena from
December 2013



  1. Those are beautiful photos. Diapers are important, necessary. I'm am happy for you finding the link and saving the day!

  2. Here's to lovely skies, peaceful mornings, new life, and oh yes... links.

  3. Congratulations on the expected grandchild. Those diapers will be greatly appreciated. I am pretty good these days with losing track of time myself. And misplacing most anything. I'm glad it worked out in the end. No matter what, diapers are NEEDED. I do appreciate that Amazon ships my gifts for a small monthly fee, too.

  4. I have been there missing dates. We missed our daughter-in-laws birthday card and money this year. We weren't well and she is hiding from us anyway. The hundred bucks she gets late should cover the omission. Congrats on the new baby coming.

  5. What luck that you have this day - thanks to Amazon and co. could save. Diapers what could be more important for babies and mothers - good choice!
    Thanks for the beautiful photos of the morning walk... a dream.
    Sweet granddaughter, mine is much bigger :-)))
    Viola sends you many greetings. I wish you a nice week.

  6. Yeah! Diapers are always appreciated! I m excited for you to be a Grandma again!

  7. Totally understandable. You are an extra busy human. Modern technology is a double edge sword. Glad in the end it worked out. Congrats to the whole family. I see dog ~and~ babysitting in your future!


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