Friday, January 22, 2021

Snow Day!

I'm way behind on 'stuff' but there isn't a whole lot going on around here. 
There is Charlie who adores snow and cold. You would not think so with his short legs! He literally snow swims and bounds through the snow. He has more issues with heat than he has with cold it seems.
I have to remind myself that he has a very thick hound dog coat that is moisture resistant.

Below is Siera taking a snooze in the snow. 

At feeding time, they all got squirrely and ran around while I pulled the hay sled through the snow to the feeders.

And then there is the Fearless redheads. They follow the sled and nibble out of it while the ding bat bays run like the sled will eat them.

Sundance~~ I'll just take it from the sled thank you very much!

Charlie, Bear, and I go on a little snowshoe trip to the valley.
An 'outtake' from an idea I had...

The day after the big/little snow. It was below zero.

But that was the day of mighty winds and a trip with a friend to hike along the Kickapoo River and search for ice.

Did I say how much I loved winter? 
I do.


  1. How nice of you to serve dinner on a platter, 'er sled. Who knows what triggers the silly equine and when. I finally (!!!) got snow shoes this Winter, and two of our horses think I am an alien the other two could care less. A snow dog is a happy dog in Winter!

    1. Siera my gaited bay mule is sure that bicycles eat only gaited mules along with mowers and of course sleds. The red heads are so ho hum about it. They all give me a wide berth because of the crunch the snowshoes make on the icy surface of the snow.
      I'm looking forward to some snow this weekend!

  2. Charlie and you both look at home in the snow:)

    1. Thanks, Charlie is a snow dog for sure.

  3. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Seeing you and Charlie enjoying the snow makes me smile. I also love winter but for a different reason, I could finally get a break from the yard maintenance and have time for my crafting. Snow shoveling didn't take as much time as mowing, weeding, mulching and of course planting.

    1. I think those reasons are exactly why I like winter too. No yard work to eat up my day. This year I've had to only shovel 3 or 4 times so far. Winter allows me to get to places I can't in the summer. :)


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