Monday, March 02, 2020

Toys on Trails

Last week on a whim while at the dollar store I picked up a small bag of Unicorns.
I mean, who doesn't love unicorns, right?

I thought it would be fun to put unicorns in my non Fairy Fairy Garden this spring and even more fun to try and 'create' a Fairy/Miniature Stable for the unicorns to enjoy.
My father once told me not to lose my sense of imagination.
After all my little village was getting larger and it seems it is filling up with wildlife.

I think there is room for a stable!

When my company arrived on Friday night I showed them the unicorns and of course my little houses. I asked the gals to pick a couple of unicorns to take with on our hike for Saturday.

We were going to go Ice Formation Hunting and enjoy the day out.
I wasn't sure how I'd handle the hiking, my knee was still bothering me enough so that I was walking slowly. The swelling was still there and stepping 'down' was pretty painful.
The doctor had said I could walk...on flat surfaces and of course I'd asked her where in my area would I find that? She told me to come to town and walk 'the streets'. Insert 'snort snort' here....

The Unicorns were a huge hit.
They appeared in trees....

They appeared behind ice formations...

I found one dancing in the snow...

Another one  prancing along the trail ....

Aren't they cute?
These are my photos. The kids took quite a few also and I'd love to see theirs.

Oh what about the hikes? Beautiful.

Inside the ice... layers of melt and refreeze.

The large ice cave did not disappoint at all. It will dwindle now each day as the weather warms up and it will leave piles of fallen ice on the floor of the cave.

Is is any wonder why I love winter?

The view along Weister Creek.

The view from the other end of the creek looking back:

The days are growing longer, the ice falling and melting...

Time to start thinking about my gardens.

My first Master Naturalist class is this evening. I'm nervous and excited.


  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    Love the unicorns and ice!

  2. Cute Unicorns! Snort snort about you walking in town....she musta been a city gal.
    Love that marble on top of the spool, your creation is looking good!

  3. Master Naturalist...that should be a great class for you! Let us know how it goes!


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