Wednesday, March 27, 2024

March leaving like a Lion and Supreme Court...


I believe that Mother Nature got a cold and is Grumpy too. She is showing her wrath by tossing rain, snow, sleet, wicked winds, and then more rain and fog our way.

I won't complain too hard though as we need the moisture badly. We will take it in any form she wishes to give us.

The weather causes some issues with our eldest mule Mica's digestive system, she does tend to get a bellyache when the weather temps change rapidly. She hasn't gotten bad but we have to keep an eye on her.

I actually tuned into the Hearing at the Supreme Court yesterday. It was surprisingly understandable as to how certain Justices were asking questions as to the way they were leaning. I don't pretend to know legalize at all. But as a woman who saw Roe V. Wade happen as a Senior in High School and saw Roe V. Wade fall two years ago, I am stunned.

I recall when women were not allowed to have their own bank accounts or allowed to have credit cards.

How far will women's rights fall?

If they rule against mifepristone? I think they should make Viagra illegal. Take away some men's rights to control their bodies and see what happens.

It was an interesting listen. Just. Wow.


  1. It looks like recent weather was more prolific by you. They keep predicting various precipitation for us. It was suppose to rain all day yesterday. I think we got a sprinkle. No complaints here either. We need it!!

  2. Very little snow here, I hate to see wildfire season this summer. I think no men should be allowed to have an opinion on abortion.

  3. Our weather became your weather. The Supreme Court is getting into a lot of things they have no business being involved in. Things have gone way out of control. I had a department store credit card for 2 years before I got married. My card went into his name. When I left him, he had to cosign on a car I was buying because we were still married and I couldn't buy a car on my own. My insurance dropped because women are too emotional when getting divorced. I told the agent, good luck with the drug addict. I had to be on risk insurance for 6 months. I can go on, but you get the point.

    1. Oh I get that point and it should be a point shouted out to all the young women in our nation. We cannot go backwards with our rights at all.

  4. I started working the minute women were allowed to get credit cards. The older women I worked with schooled me. You couldn't get a big fancy "Master Charge" as a young woman, but you could get a store card and they sent me straight to Macy's which was the most friendly in my area. I couldn't even qualify for Sears or Montgomery Ward. They told me to always pay the bills in my name first since a woman's credit rating had to be higher than a man's.
    Actually, in our small town when I was in high school, you could take home clothes from stores "on approval". If your dad approved, they would send him the bill. Otherwise you had to return them. Mom's had the same routine. Only dads had credit.
    Meanwhile - that hearing. That idiot Hawley's wife - when she said doctors don't want to have to remove remains from blighted pregnancies??? I was afraid I might kick in the tv. Our Supreme Court isn't any better. I did like when the attorney for women's rights asked them if they felt they were better at making medical decisions than physicians.

    1. Yes, I heard that! As if the justices are better than doctors or know more about medicine than the FDA? They are not Gods nor are they all knowing.
      There was a lot of interesting stuff going on in that hearing.
      A friend of mine last year went through an issue with a fetus that had perished inside her and had to fight her way for the right to get that medicine!
      We are in the state of WI. It was a horror show.

      Thankfully now she is on her way to having a healthy little boy next month at full term. But I cannot imagine how sick she would have been without mifepristone in that other pregnancy. The fetus died at 7 weeks. Can you imagine if they'd have made her carry a decomposing fetus? She was getting so sick from that!

      This will be interesting.


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