Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Orange and not orange...

My porch is surrounded by nasturtiums and a pumpkin vine!

I tried to get them to climb a stick, but that didn't work well. Next year I think I might shape something out of chicken wire and a tomato cage to see if I can make them grow up that!

I really do love the way they try to take over. 

The plants actually grew on a chair after I coaxed the vines.
I will miss this riot of orange and green after the frost hits.

Here is an old barrel with a skeleton goat and one of the pumpkins that got chewed on. Since the other ones grew up nice, I may toss this one back in the pasture for the red headed mules to munch on.

I do adore the warty pumpkins, they have so much character!

And the stars of the oranges are the Nasturtiums.
These old time orange ones really shine and do so well. I've tried other colors and they aren't as prolific as these seem to be.

And not Orange.

Lil' Richard out in the morning light near the old oak.

This was another hot hot day. The humidity was pretty intense in the morning but that evaporated quickly.

I didn't get out in the woods to hunt up those maple trees across the field. For whatever reason, it seemed like grabbing a blanket and sitting under the pines in the shade with Charlie was a better choice late this afternoon. The breezes were soothing and cool under the trees.

So we just enjoyed the quiet time.

Tonight is a full moon with a partial eclipse happening! I hope to be able to stay awake for that!
AND...I missed a wonderful display of the Aurora Borealis last night. 



  1. Anonymous7:14 PM

    How about a stick teepee for those vines? Lori

  2. We were out this evening and saw the full moon when it hadn't risen too far, which is always the best time. We, mostly Sue, took some phone photos.

  3. Your Nasturtiums and the chair look great! Yes chicken wire and a tomato cage may work next year. I think the eclipse is happening now. I like the look of your warty pumpkins!

  4. Quiet time is always a good thing. I love the oranges. So vivid and so fall!!!!

  5. Now I know I must plant Nasturtiums again. They are so pretty. It's nice for you and Charlie to take time to sit under a tree and enjoy the day.


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